The online racing simulator
LFS Nations Grand Prix
(42 posts, started )
LFS Nations Grand Prix
Hi, I'm just posting to let you know of the upcoming LFS Nations Grand Prix, similar to the A1GP series. It is in the planning stage at the moment, and I have attached the rules. Any ten countries can join, and Ireland are the host nation (err...make that nine teams can join). We are looking for:

Admins to act as stewards

Drivers/teams (and team managers)


Advertisers (to spread the word)

Car painters (to paint the team skins)

Contact me or post here if you have any questions.


Attached files
LFSNGP.txt - 1.4 KB - 216 views
#2 - ekze

The idea looks interesting, Russia will participate.

Question: how many racers can race from each team?
There's a maximum of two drivers per team, and two reserve/test drivers. I'd advise you to read the rules. The team structure could be something like this: Team Director (or manager) -> Race Manager -> Drivers <- the others

Ok, Russia's in, thanks. Can you please nominate your two drivers and reserve driver(s).

#4 - ekze
Yeah, I've read the rules.
Can you please tell what should Team Director and Race Manager do?
I will ask who gonna race for us and tell you as soon as possible.
I can also help you with organisation and act as steward ^_^
Thanks, Team Manager oversees the entire team, and Race Manager works on strategy. I'm planning a group test of all the teams in a few days time.

Thanks for offering to act as organiser/steward, you're in. BUT you can't race, (conflict of interest).

#6 - ekze
Yep, thanks. I won't race, I will be Team/Race Manager of Team Russia.
By the way, how you going to check if there was done some changes in setup? It's almost impossible to see.
Good point, and that's the kind of question I like being asked. OK, I propse the following solution, using a setup that NOBODY is able to make changes to (how?). If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Have you found your drivers yet?

Can you please try to get more teams into this?

We still need: Admins, Stewards/Organisers. Race Reporters, etc

#8 - ekze
1. Yep, it's not a problem to find drivers in Russia ^_^
2. I will try ^_^
3. Same
Thanks. Seeya on track (hopefully)

Update: The series is on hold for the moment while we work various issues out, it will go ahead, but not this weekend, as planned.

We still need a lot of people. Any volunteers?

By all means i can race for England if needs be...

Much prefer to admin it tho...
Which would you rather do, race or admin? Also, can you please try to get more people into the organising side of it?

Only Race_s allowed, haha, how are you gonna check that?
That's a very good point, OK, I'm dropping that rule. Setup changes ARE allowed...BUT the winning setup must be submitted to the admins.

#15 - Vain
You can make every driver on the track send you the setup after the race.
Save all setups under the name of the driver and then investigate them.

That's absolutely possible and takes about 5 minutes.
Though that still leaves the driver with the possibility to change the live-settings, but those aren't that important (brakes, ARB).

As the setup you should choose a easy to drive setup with a wing setting that allows medium times for all tracks. Browse the setupfield for ideas.

#16 - ekze
DieKolkrabe, nope. Droping this rule is a very bad idea. The only reason, why whe will participate here will be same setup for each racer.

Way to check it: before race everyone must sent their setup to admin, he will check them all. And after racer sends his setup, Shift+S not allowed.

EDIT: maybe its better to use not RACE_S, but just same setup for every racer and change it each track...?
Ah...You've sorted my problem ekse, thanks. Can you be in charge of that? OK...the default hard track setup (with +/- 10 clicks of change), would that work?

FYI: The event is going ahead, I'm negotiating for servers. Anyone want to host it?

#18 - ekze
Yep, I can be in charge for that.

I have servers but them not stable even for russian events, too many disconnects and lags, I hope you will find another server. ^_^
Thanks, we still need:

Teams/Drivers to sign up (they can represent counties if needs be)

Stewards to enforce rules

A server to host the races on...

Ok, you're in for Team GB (or England), It's funny you should mention 500servers, as I'm currently trying to get a refund out of them, when I didn't even order the server in the first place... But I'll use them for the LFSNGP server, I'll put up a notice about the Open Test as and when I get the server running. I've e-mailed the guy that runs 500servers and asked for a free server to host the series on. Here's hoping.

EDIT: Found a server, open test is as soon as I can log onto it.

OPEN TEST IS GO! Server is called LFSNGP Server.

EDIT: ETA for series launch is two weeks

I would like to participate but first I would like some additional info.

*Does a team MUST have 2 drivers? Right now I am alone.

*If 2 drivers is a must have, do you allow drivers to be from a different country than what they represent in the league?

*What times will the races/sessions start? In GMT if possible so I can try to find a team member (if needed).

Other than participate as a driver I have nothing else to offer.

I am participating in 2 more leagues (Vixen, OWRL), so I hope the racing days wont conflict with eachoter.

I am from holland so when I signup I could represent holland.
OK, to clarify, a team can have one or two drivers, one or two test and reserve drivers, and is allowed to change the drivers twice per season (e.g. driver A swaps with Driver B, Driver C can't swap with Driver D). The two drivers may be from different countries, if this is talked to the admins (me, GlanzaGav) first. Normally both drivers must be from the same country, but I'm willing to make exceptions

The sessions will start at 8:00pm BST

10 cars in a race isn't enough, I suggest that you have two cars per country in the race, that way we get around 20 people racing.

LFS Nations Grand Prix
(42 posts, started )