Just found a post from "pablo" on the [MG] Forum with a link to this video, i have no idea if he made it but i think he did, all i can say is "Wow"!
EDIT - theres a link at the start and one at the end, the last one doesnt work, but the one at the start goes to http://movie-projects.com/ i went there, and found the video available for download
EDIT Mk 2 - In the proper full size vid you can see Pablos name so i geuss it is his!
EDIT - theres a link at the start and one at the end, the last one doesnt work, but the one at the start goes to http://movie-projects.com/ i went there, and found the video available for download
EDIT Mk 2 - In the proper full size vid you can see Pablos name so i geuss it is his!