#76 - PoVo
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Has there been a funeral? If not maybe we could set up a little collection for some flowers to send or something?

+1 to this.
R.i.p. !
Wow, Im shocked. I hope you can see this thread where ever you are 5haz.
We support you.
By a train? Hope it was quick and painless..
Well, the way to go was very brutal and sudden...

Too tough luck

But remember guys, the time you will get past, will happen anytime, anywhere, anyway... there is no can do about this...
This is truly sad. Had the pleasure of sharing a team with 5haz and spent a bit of time chatting. Thinking about those times makes me feel very uncomfortable and just plain weird now. My thoughts and heart go out to his family.

I remember him as one of the good guys around here...

Sad story...

Rest in peace Joe... A truly contributing member of this community, you will be missed...

You show 'em how it's done up there!
Very tragic, it shows that anything can happen and cause the worst imaginable things to happen in a flash...we have to have to be a little more grateful for everything, including life itself.

may he rest in peace, from the sounds of it he lived a great life, he will be missed.
I didn't know him, but it's sad news none-the-less. To hear that somebody who was just about your age and shared one of your biggest interests has lost his life so suddenly quickly reminds all of us how quickly this life and body can be taken away from us. May we remember this moving forward and move closer together as a community as a result. Your presence will be missed within the community, and in the real life. May you rest in peace

Quote from 5haz :A lot of this forum's problems are issues endemic to the wider internet...

It's a long quote, so I didn't continue it all, but maybe this is some advice that we all should try to follow.
sad news. R.I.P
Jay (S14) asked me to post on behalf of him
Quote :Spoke to Joe a few times over the years, not a lot but enough to get to know him...can't say anything negative about him..was a decent guy all round. Had a few very good races with him as well. Only just got told by mustang so very shocking..never nice when someone dies least not someone you know

Very sad indeed. RIP Joe
wow.. hard to believe
R.I.P Rest in peace
One of the better posters here.

Very sad news, RIP Joe.
WOW Shocking news .... I always liked to read his posts ..... Such a shame to loose his life at such a young age. My thoughts are with his family.

R.I.P. Joe
Sad news. R.I.P Joe
I've noticed him here on the forum many times and he indeed seemed like a good guy. Extremely sad news. R.I.P Joe
I've seen on the forums. Very sad news... R.I.P. Joe!
Tragic news and a shocking reminder of our mortality. RIP.
Rest in peace Joe. Heart goes out to the family and friends! Complete your journey buddy!!!
RIP Joe.

This is horrible news about a great member of the community. Saw him race a few times but never got to meet him. Thoughts go out to his friends and family, and count me in for any tribute - it'd be great to show how he was really valued by a whole load of people across the world!