Done I'm a bit rubbish at Twitter, I just tend to bitch about stuff, mainly FIFA...
But that's all changing now anyway, I have one last FIFA Street video to edit, then I'm going to be moving on to other games. Including Battlefield, and I'm going to be upgrading my PC so I can record better and render videos faster. What I really want is S3 to be released, so that the LFS community returns in good numbers and I can take the time to make LFS videos again.
Your Battlefield looks like 3x nicer than mine, I have absolutely no idea why as I am having all Ultra settings. It just looks so clean and sharp in your video omg. Wish I had same visuals.
I only get ~30 fps in game so recording would be useless in my case. I do not have AA enabled so even if I play on Ultra settings I don't have this sharpness, I think BF looks a lot nicer with it. Also 60 fps, so smooth to my eyes. Keep those videos coming, always pleasure to watch something like that.