About people
(1357 posts, closed, started )
Is a guy i know nothing about.
Is a guy i know nothing about.
edit* He's only 20 years young and if to think about it he had some wierd looking cartoon character on his avatar for a long time, but that's all.
Doesn't know that Chrisuu01 is actually a bunny.
Quote from Sobis :Doesn't know that Chrisuu01 is actually a bunny.

Does not know that rabbits only live 5-8 years, but chrisuuuu is 20.
Has a dog pooping on an apple in his avatar
Made an increidible observation.
Spelled incredible wrong.
Da fattest
swedish cat rapist
Is incredibly ginger and also very large.
Posh man.
enjoys a fist full on late evenings
(hempishemp) DELETED by Flame CZE : spam
Is spammer.
Probably lives in Tartu.
Probably doesn't live in Tartu.
His car is still crashed
I still can't understand what's in his avatar D:
Doesn't know what's in UM21 avatar, like most of us.

That sentence was about you, not UM21, in other words - off topic
didn't understand the complexity or Jordan's post.
Has a very annoying character in his avatar
Has even more annoying person on his avatar (even though i don't know who she(he? it?) is).
Is returning to playing LFS for some ovaling.
This thread is closed

About people
(1357 posts, closed, started )