Went testing at Dunskwell Kart track which is owned by Nigel Mansell for the first time ever! The only way I'd seen the route of the track before this session was a quick walk around it in the morning before practice started
I was surprised that in the tricky wet/dry conditions I was visually able to keep up / slightly catch the regular fast local drivers! Watch in HD, the quality is pretty good
My 5th session of the day went better as the track dried out, couldn't quite match the pace of the quick drivers, but comparing my times from the last race meeting they had I would only be about 0.5 a lap slower. All in all it was a good day
The session I did after this one was faster by 0.3 a lap.. but the GoPro ran out
Can anyone see any obvious room for improvement in this one?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... fP5i2jGg&feature=plcp
My 5th session of the day went better as the track dried out, couldn't quite match the pace of the quick drivers, but comparing my times from the last race meeting they had I would only be about 0.5 a lap slower. All in all it was a good day
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... fP5i2jGg&feature=plcp