#1 - TRKAC
Online (demo)=not a nice expirience
1.I click on multiplayer,enter the password and name but it wont start
That is irritating
Then I found out you need a separate pas,name
that is ok I guess for a full game but for a demo that aint good,I just ant to try the game and not to waste time on that

2.server browser goes in window mode=not a good thing

3.even when in full screen it is hard to see the server names on 800X600 resolution

4.I see a server with 10/12 people,I click to enter but it does not work,then I see I have to click on the server name
(another irritating thing)

5.from 5,6 games I only had one normal game,all others were with people hitting you,driving the wrong way
when you drive the wrong way maybe the car should be like a "ghost" car so it cant hit you
1-Made that way for security reasons*.

2-You can change that behaviour, so it's not a bad thing.

3-That is done that way, so you can see Firewall pop-ups, so it's a good thing afterall

4-Just get used to it*.

5-Happens often in demo, just try to find a good server. Or buy the S2 where most people knows how to drive hehe

*: Every program (not only games) will have something in his user interface you may not like, but just work that way (that someone thought was ok).
The double pass policy protects paid S1/2 accounts. Maybe it's pointless in demo, just like you said.

If you don't want the game to go windowed when connecting, and you're experiencing no connection issue, simply set "window while conneting" to no. (Whiskey has explianed why it's yes by default.) The setting will be preserved next time.

For the other things, just get used to it.
Quote from TRKAC :5.from 5,6 games I only had one normal game,all others were with people hitting you,driving the wrong way
when you drive the wrong way maybe the car should be like a "ghost" car so it cant hit you

This is a simulator, I doubt the developers would enable something like a ghost mode when going wrong way. However, there are InSim apps like AIRIO which prevent people going wrong way by forcing them to go to the spectate mode.
Quote from TRKAC : on 800X600 resolution

It still exists

My phone has that resolution nowadays
#6 - TRKAC
Quote from Flame CZE :This is a simulator, I doubt the developers would enable something like a ghost mode when going wrong way. However, there are InSim apps like AIRIO which prevent people going wrong way by forcing them to go to the spectate mode.

in real life racing i have never seen someone driving the wrong way and hitting people,is this a simulation of destruction derby? i dont think even there people do that

also I what is realistici about forcing someone to go to the spectate mode?

and to all the trolls saying :"get used to it",lol kids this is a suggestion part of the forum,if you dont care about the game improving then why even post here?
You hungry?
Quote from TRKAC :in real life racing i have never seen someone driving the wrong way and hitting people,is this a simulation of destruction derby? i dont think even there people do that

In real life, you can die, it is actually that simple.

Quote from TRKAC :also I what is realistici about forcing someone to go to the spectate mode?

It is not realistic, but it's as unrealistic as enabling ghost mode.

Basically it is up to the racers whether they want to enjoy the racing and not crash and drive wrong way. That is why there are those apps which prevent those noobs crashing each other going wrong way. So no need for ghost mode in my opinion. And I am not a troll, I am serious.
Quote from TRKAC :1.I click on multiplayer,enter the password and name but it wont start
That is irritating
Then I found out you need a separate pas,name
that is ok I guess for a full game but for a demo that aint good,I just ant to try the game and not to waste time on that

2.server browser goes in window mode=not a good thing

3.even when in full screen it is hard to see the server names on 800X600 resolution

4.I see a server with 10/12 people,I click to enter but it does not work,then I see I have to click on the server name
(another irritating thing)

5.from 5,6 games I only had one normal game,all others were with people hitting you,driving the wrong way
when you drive the wrong way maybe the car should be like a "ghost" car so it cant hit you

1: This is for security reasons and really isn't that difficult to set up.

2: Window mode in server browsing can be turned off.

3: I never even noticed 800x600 in looking for server screen and I've been playing for almost a decade.

4: You click on a server which brings you to a new screen where most servers will provide an additional set of rules before you decide if you actually want to join, this is a good feature.

5: A ghost car idea is terrible, LFS is not a Xbox game, if you don't want to deal with people crashing you then find a more respectable server or buy S2.
#9 - TRKAC
Quote from Flame CZE :In real life, you can die, it is actually that simple.

It is not realistic, but it's as unrealistic as enabling ghost mode.

Basically it is up to the racers whether they want to enjoy the racing and not crash and drive wrong way. That is why there are those apps which prevent those noobs crashing each other going wrong way. So no need for ghost mode in my opinion. And I am not a troll, I am serious.

Son you started talking about what is realistic and what is not. But just a tip for you,this is a game,it aint real

Quote from FPVaaron :1: This is for security reasons and really isn't that difficult to set up.

2: Window mode in server browsing can be turned off.

3: I never even noticed 800x600 in looking for server screen and I've been playing for almost a decade.

4: You click on a server which brings you to a new screen where most servers will provide an additional set of rules before you decide if you actually want to join, this is a good feature.

5: A ghost car idea is terrible, LFS is not a Xbox game, if you don't want to deal with people crashing you then find a more respectable server or buy S2.

Son stay in school and dont take drugs.

Lol this forum is full with kids and trolls
5. LFS' default server settings should spectate anyone driving the wrong way. So obviously the server owner turned it off. Or maybe, if you go onto a server called "German Crash Server" then you should expect a demo derby...

Also, you are right this is the improvement suggestions section of the forum, but unfortunately I cannot see any suggestions here to improve LFS, all I can see is things you think are wrong. So please, list your suggestions for 1-5 that would actually improve LFS.
I realize that I wouldn't post this if I wasn't so hopelessly bored, but seriously, is there something wrong with you mate? You've been following some pretty strange behaviour pattern since you opened your first thread.

1a) You complain about stuff
1b) You don't really suggest anything even though this is the Improvement Suggestions thread
1c) You haven't displayed much common sense - no offense, but some of the things you complain about have never been a problem even for the biggest dumbasses we had the honour to meet on this forum and believe me we've met a lot of "interesting" people over the years.
2) People try to explain to you how to get around most of the things you find annoying or why are things the way they are
3) You don't bother to listen and instead tell everybody to grow up, stop using drugs etc...
4) And to top it off, you argue about the most insignificant and stupid things.

What do you actually want from us? Everybody tried to be perfectly nice and explain things to you in this thread and all you replied with were insults. You've really got change your attitude if you want to get any help on this forum...
As this is a simulator, it should be perfectly fine to be able to drive in whichever direction you may choose.
Sporting regulations however, are additional layers on-top of the physical world.
These could for example prohibit driving in the wrong direction for no apparent reason. There driving in the wrong direction is simply an accident (See this hilarious event).
On-top of the sporting regulations, there is a need for 'gaming' regulations, since it seems to be impossible to in the current world to trust "people from the internet" for not being complete idiots.
So, in order to get an as realistic experience among serious LFS-people, a "spectating"-option makes it possible to get rid of people you simply don't want to spend your time with, and allow a realistic environment to those who are responsible.

So, in short - enabling ghosting conflicts with a simulator. Spectating does not, as it is being used to keep the environment clean to ALLOW realistic simulation.
Quote from MadCatX :@TRKAC:
I realize that I wouldn't post this if I wasn't so hopelessly bored, but seriously, is there something wrong with you mate? You've been following some pretty strange behaviour pattern since you opened your first thread.

1a) You complain about stuff
1b) You don't really suggest anything even though this is the Improvement Suggestions thread
1c) You haven't displayed much common sense - no offense, but some of the things you complain about have never been a problem even for the biggest dumbasses we had the honour to meet on this forum and believe me we've met a lot of "interesting" people over the years.
2) People try to explain to you how to get around most of the things you find annoying or why are things the way they are
3) You don't bother to listen and instead tell everybody to grow up, stop using drugs etc...
4) And to top it off, you argue about the most insignificant and stupid things.

What do you actually want from us? Everybody tried to be perfectly nice and explain things to you in this thread and all you replied with were insults. You've really got change your attitude if you want to get any help on this forum...

"What do you actually want from us?" "us" who is that? sonny why would anyone want anything from you? are you a developer of this game? do you even know on what part of the forum you are?

lol sad thing is you and other here aint even trolling,you really are that slow

OK, just for the fun of it, let's say I don't have anything better to do than to reply to your pointless rant.

I find it particularly interesting that you ignore every help, hint or suggestion anybody offers you and jump right to insults. You shamelessly skipped the important part of my post, ripped out the last sentence, completely mangled its meaning and threw another blunt attempt to insult me. Might I ask what are you hoping to accomplish with this?

To ask you question (if it can be actually called a question):
Last time I checked, "us" meant a closely unspecified group of people, certainly not an individual. You seem to have noticed that you're on an Internet forum, where "us" means the community frequenting the forum. It is the community that can be very helpful and this forum is actually quite good example of the "from people to people" approach. Were you expecting the devs to read though every single post on this forum, especially when it's full of crap like this? Learn how this forum works, behave yourself and come back... then we'll see if there's anything that can be done to make LFS more enjoyable for you. Until then
Quote from TRKAC :lol sad thing is you and other here aint even trolling,you really are that slow

Forgive us, we can't all be as proficient at being a dipshit as yourself.
Quote from TRKAC :"What do you actually want from us?" "us" who is that? sonny why would anyone want anything from you? are you a developer of this game? do you even know on what part of the forum you are?

lol sad thing is you and other here aint even trolling,you really are that slow


No offence but you can't judge the game until you have tried S2 IMO. Demo servers are a mess.
Quote from Bmxtwins :No offence but you can't judge the game until you have tried S2 IMO. Demo servers are a mess.

He just judged the game by driving 61 km's online.
So How you can judge simulator game and telling us how races should look like when you still sitting in main menu?
People up there explained you can set 4/5 of your problems to make it work and you attacked them because they're wrong.

My advice for you: play this game not less than one week online and then start thinking whats wrong with game
Quote from MadCatX :OK, just for the fun of it, let's say I don't have anything better to do than to reply to your pointless rant.

I find it particularly interesting that you ignore every help, hint or suggestion anybody offers you and jump right to insults. You shamelessly skipped the important part of my post, ripped out the last sentence, completely mangled its meaning and threw another blunt attempt to insult me. Might I ask what are you hoping to accomplish with this?

To ask you question (if it can be actually called a question):
Last time I checked, "us" meant a closely unspecified group of people, certainly not an individual. You seem to have noticed that you're on an Internet forum, where "us" means the community frequenting the forum. It is the community that can be very helpful and this forum is actually quite good example of the "from people to people" approach. Were you expecting the devs to read though every single post on this forum, especially when it's full of crap like this? Learn how this forum works, behave yourself and come back... then we'll see if there's anything that can be done to make LFS more enjoyable for you. Until then

you should go out sometimes,meet some girls ,find some friends and then you will have something to do -)


Quote from boothy :Forgive us, we can't all be as proficient at being a dipshit as yourself.

Apology accepted,but tell me what does "dipshit" mean? if I am with your mommy and i dip it,so she is ...?
wow why would you say that? you need to apologize to your mother!

Quote from Bmxtwins :No offence but you can't judge the game until you have tried S2 IMO. Demo servers are a mess.

ok.that is why the title of this thread is "Online (demo)=not a nice experience",and after this experience I dont plan on giving them my money

Quote from luki97 :He just judged the game by driving 61 km's online.
So How you can judge simulator game and telling us how races should look like when you still sitting in main menu?
People up there explained you can set 4/5 of your problems to make it work and you attacked them because they're wrong.

My advice for you: play this game not less than one week online and then start thinking whats wrong with game

Lol sonny did you even read the first post? look troll,the driving can be the best ever created but if other things are broken then the game still fails

best... troll... ever :bowdown:
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :best... troll... ever :bowdown:

I disagree. I don't think it's even a particularly trollish troll. It only has two insults: "son" and "you are trolling or dumb". Where's the creativity in that? Far too little misquoting and a distasteful lack of smileys and internet memes forces me to give this troll only 1 out of 5.

1.5 if you count this line:
Quote from TRKAC :Apology accepted,but tell me what does "dipshit" mean? if I am with your mommy and i dip it,so she is ...?

as a "I've had your mom" insult.

A bit meh if you ask me.

Edit: Maybe we should ask ScaViEr to make some better trolls for this forum.
Well. Everywhere where a free demo exists, and where it includes a multiplayer mode, there are people not acting to the rules. In racing games those are especially people wrecking. The only way to avoid it is to search a server, which actually has admins on it.

The thing about an account being needed for Demo is something rather new. When I started with LFS, it just banned ip's in case of a ban, sothat people could return rather easy. Nowadays they need multiple accounts. About ghost cars - well we're not iRacing

There are actually a few real racing servers existing, e.g. [AA] Blackwood FBM or [AA] Demo Racing, where I practiced for league races just a few weeks ago.
I find it fairly amusing that a 13 years old has so many sons.
I believe that a variation on a word describing one's male descendant is a common insult among the MW3 players community. His age would fit his behavior perfectly though...
My suggestion is never do anything, I'd expect someone with your attitude to injure themselves with a shot put as no one explained in short words not to throw it on your foot !

In the real world you can drive the wrong way on a motorway and kill yourself, stick your fingers in a blender, or cut your leg off with a butter knife.

Most of us realize that these are not good choices, and judging that your posting here you've managed not to kill yourself yet.
Try to use a bit of common sense and you'll find that the game reflects real world race track behavior.
lol so many trolls here.poor things I guess no one was feeding them -)