#1 - TRKAC
How to setup XR GT to drive like XF GTI? XR GT SUCKS!
I did not change nothing on that smaller car and it is great BUT that other car (XR GT) drives really bad.The steering is not responsive,there is that dead zone or how ever they call it,i turn the wheel and it does not respond right away like the GTI

also it spins like crazy,like i am driving on ice(and not on high speed,same speed as GTI)

so how do i make it to behave like GTI? or close to that...
#2 - Sobis
its RWD son...........
Quote from TRKAC :I did not change nothing on that smaller car and it is great BUT that other car (XR GT) drives really bad.The steering is not responsive,there is that dead zone or how ever they call it,i turn the wheel and it does not respond right away like the GTI

also it spins like crazy,like i am driving on ice(and not on high speed,same speed as GTI)

so how do i make it to behave like GTI? or close to that...

Well, they shouldn't behave the same way. the XF is front wheel drive, the XR is rear wheel drive. The two powertrain layouts produce vastly different driving dynamics.

As far as unresponsiveness, I'm not sure; I don't experience the same thing. As for spinning, that's mostly a matter of throttle control. I find the XRs to handle very nicely and have plenty of grip.
#5 - TRKAC
Quote from Sobis :Oh my god... Maybe I'll be silent this time.

That,s what your mother said -)

Quote from MAGGOT :Well, they shouldn't behave the same way. the XF is front wheel drive, the XR is rear wheel drive. The two powertrain layouts produce vastly different driving dynamics.

As far as unresponsiveness, I'm not sure; I don't experience the same thing. As for spinning, that's mostly a matter of throttle control. I find the XRs to handle very nicely and have plenty of grip.

So one is good to drive and other sucks? if that is what they were going for then it works great.
no,really the dead zone(steering) on this car is bad and like I said it spins out of control on low speed
ooh crap. you cant even handle a car. are you driving with keyboard or something -_-
Quote from MAGGOT :Well, they shouldn't behave the same way. the XF is front wheel drive, the XR is rear wheel drive. The two powertrain layouts produce vastly different driving dynamics.

Don't forget about weight as XR is 200kg heavier.
Quote from TRKAC :So one is good to drive and other sucks? if that is what they were going for then it works great.
no,really the dead zone(steering) on this car is bad and like I said it spins out of control on low speed

If you don't like it,don't drive it,stick to easy driveable XF,as most servers allow both of these cars. Anyway,you should check LFS World records,you will see,that the "sucking" car is actually 0.38s faster around BL GP,so the problem is at your side!
Quote from trkac :and like i said it spins out of control on low speed

it's rwd
Quote from TRKAC :I did not change nothing on that smaller car and it is great BUT that other car (XR GT) drives really bad.The steering is not responsive,there is that dead zone or how ever they call it,i turn the wheel and it does not respond right away like the GTI

also it spins like crazy,like i am driving on ice(and not on high speed,same speed as GTI)

so how do i make it to behave like GTI? or close to that...

Learn to drive kid.
to be fair, the xrgt isn't the best handling car ever made...

but try a few sets if not... learn to drift it so you can handle it racing wise
#11 - Jakg
Quote from theirishnoob :to be fair, the xrgt isn't the best handling car ever made...

Neither the XFG - The XRG is a small, light RWD car with very little power - it's pretty difficult to get anything too wrong, but it still lets you use the throttle to steer the car a little... one of my favourite cars tbh.
this topic must be closed immediately
What is it when someone nowadays ask some advice or help people start bashing him?

Look for different setups on setupgrid and try them out which one suits best for you and practice.
It is fun to race with but be aware that it has different racing lines mostly than XFG.

Hope this helped some.
Quote from Jazzka :What is it when someone nowadays ask some advice or help people start bashing him?

Look for different setups on setupgrid and try them out which one suits best for you and practice.
It is fun to race with but be aware that it has different racing lines mostly than XFG.

Hope this helped some.

To be honest, I help people that seems like genuine decent people, however OP has 80% negative trolling posts, as a result of this I don't care about OP.
Quote from FPVaaron :To be honest, I help people that seems like genuine decent people, however OP has 80% negative trolling posts, as a result of this I don't care about OP.

Two wrongs make right?

The XRG is rear wheel drive. Basic physics means that the rear end will slip very differently from a car where the front wheels are putting the power down and/or spinning.

Experiment with a car, any car, foot completely off the gas pedal, and braking into a corner -- with varying front/rear brake biases. It shouldn't take long for you to get the eureka moment you're apparently missing.

If you (magically, instantaneously) put a car into a perfectly sideways (90deg, perpendicular to where car points at) slide, with the front wheels over ice and rear wheels over asphalt, what will happen? IE which end of the car will keep sliding and which one will grip and slow down? And inherently, which way will the car rotate?

Now imagine the same experiment with the car over homogeneous surface (e.g. both front and rear on asphalt) but with the rear wheels spinning. Which wheels have more traction and which way does the car therefore rotate?

You are doing the cornering equivalent of a forward burnout. In a forward burnout you're not making much forward acceleration because the power is not transferred to the ground. In your described XRG cornering you're not making much sideways acceleration because you're going way too far beyond the front and/or rear tires' limits.

The above advice to try different sets from Setupfield is one of the things you should do next.
Quote from TRKAC :I did not change nothing on that smaller car and it is great BUT that other car (XR GT) drives really bad.The steering is not responsive,there is that dead zone or how ever they call it,i turn the wheel and it does not respond right away like the GTI

also it spins like crazy,like i am driving on ice(and not on high speed,same speed as GTI)

so how do i make it to behave like GTI? or close to that...

As i see at your online stats
http://www.lfsworld.net/?win=s ... p;racer=TRKAC&abc=264

Your PB with XFG is +18 from WR and your last time that you was online was few days ago.
If this is your personal best, then i suggest that you must practice more and try to understand more about cars behavior.
Arent all the cars the same and you cant drive them with the same style.
Positive being mods deleting useless purse swinging posts once there's enough of em
Quote from Breizh :Two wrongs make right?

The XRG is rear wheel drive. Basic physics means that the rear end will slip very differently from a car where the front wheels are putting the power down and/or spinning.

Experiment with a car, any car, foot completely off the gas pedal, and braking into a corner -- with varying front/rear brake biases. It shouldn't take long for you to get the eureka moment you're apparently missing.

If you (magically, instantaneously) put a car into a perfectly sideways (90deg, perpendicular to where car points at) slide, with the front wheels over ice and rear wheels over asphalt, what will happen? IE which end of the car will keep sliding and which one will grip and slow down? And inherently, which way will the car rotate?

Now imagine the same experiment with the car over homogeneous surface (e.g. both front and rear on asphalt) but with the rear wheels spinning. Which wheels have more traction and which way does the car therefore rotate?

You are doing the cornering equivalent of a forward burnout. In a forward burnout you're not making much forward acceleration because the power is not transferred to the ground. In your described XRG cornering you're not making much sideways acceleration because you're going way too far beyond the front and/or rear tires' limits.

The above advice to try different sets from Setupfield is one of the things you should do next.

bla bla bla,kid dont try to act smart,if you dont know how to change the setting then go sell your "wisdom" somewhere else!

Just kidding,you are very smart and educated and you know a lot about cars and driving

(kids like him are so sensitive,they need all the encouragement they can get)

Quote from vourliotis :As i see at your online stats
http://www.lfsworld.net/?win=s ... p;racer=TRKAC&abc=264

Your PB with XFG is +18 from WR and your last time that you was online was few days ago.
If this is your personal best, then i suggest that you must practice more and try to understand more about cars behavior.
Arent all the cars the same and you cant drive them with the same style.

there is no point in playing this game online,but i do take a spin offline sometimes

p.s. lol so many angry kids here

Quote from TRKAC :So what settings to i need to change to stop the car from oversteering that much,and how to make the steering as responsive like with the smaller car

there is no point in playing this game online,but i do take a spin offline sometimes

p.s. lol so many angry kids here


those ´angry kids´ can handle cars better then you.
Quote from TRKAC :So what settings to i need to change to stop the car from oversteering that much,and how to make the steering as responsive like with the smaller car

no need to change settings. Just change what you're doing with the controls.
They're mostly right (assuming you havent been using some fubar setup). The cars in natural settings handle well enough to let beginners learn enough to drive em up to pretty good laptimes.

Watch some of your replays with that problematic handling and turn forces display on (F key). Watch for what it is you do that triggers loss of traction. Watch others' replays from the same or similar corners.

As a general rule, the simpler and smoother your control inputs, the better. Don't fight with the car.
please save us a replay of you driving
There is a problem with setting the thing between wheel and pedals