The online racing simulator
Brake pads and discs
(33 posts, started )
Brake pads and discs
Here are the brake pads and discs that I made. There was a thread for everything else so I guess we can put brake mods here.
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porsche? wtf... atleast put Brembo or something on it, since the car isnt a porsche.
maybe he took the brakes off his porsche?
#4 - Gunn
Quote from Roadie :porsche? wtf... atleast put Brembo or something on it, since the car isnt a porsche.

That was his choice, you could always put Brembo on it yourself if you don't like it how it is.

Nice work Strahd, I'm sure many will use these. :up:
I choose porche because the brembo logo is on about 1/3 of all skins floating around here, I should know, Ive done enough. A friend of mine has porche calipers on his 96 eclipse and thats not a porche. I never said ya had to use em, would you like some brembo 1`s. Hmm I never thaugh, Whats LFS brake sponsor? Time to change ma brakes again=)
#6 - herki
Quote from STRAHD :I choose porche because the brembo logo is on about 1/3 of all skins floating around here, I should know, Ive done enough. A friend of mine has porche calipers on his 96 eclipse and thats not a porche. I never said ya had to use em, would you like some brembo 1`s. Hmm I never thaugh, Whats LFS brake sponsor? Time to change ma brakes again=)

i think freno is lfs' brake sponsor
do Brembo or AP Racing

I will install that in my LFS!!
the one problem with that is that the brake discs dont spin.
Quote from Roadie :the one problem with that is that the brake discs dont spin.

With what, the brakes dont spin with the stock texture either, its just for screenshots. If ur driving slow enough to notice non-spinning discs then I think its time to stop driving the UF.
it would be good if you could use the original textrue and but black r darker colourd rings on the discs asif there spinning
Where should i put the files?
Quote from Roadie :the one problem with that is that the brake discs dont spin.

agree... it looks kind of.. ..silly.
Quote from Mazstermind :Where should i put the files?

They are dds files, and therefore should go in the cunningly named dds folder.
#16 - Gizz
:sheep: :munching_
nice brakes.Im usin them and they look cool!!! Good job hey!
That's old good idea, but it can't be in LFS Your discs can't be static and it looks very bad when car is moving (but they are always move Your padzzz very bad too, left pads marked as PORSCHE, but right pads marked as.. hmm.. something mirrored It is'not problem of your design, it is weakness of LFS
Not really a weakness though, just how LFS does the brake graphics. Hardly gonna make someone NOT buy LFS (unless you are very very shallow).
Perhaps i did use wrong word, sorry. Anyway making pads and disks not so intresting and necessary because it can't be done perfect. We can only add symmetrical inscriptions and pictures. Finaly we can do something simmetrical only
Btw, that disc texture has alpha..i used very similar discs and i added 'holes'
where there are holes in the pic Just my 2cents.

As for the Porsche calipers, aren't they Brembos ?! I'm pretty sure they are.
Like most (if not all) car manufacturers, they do not make calipers themselves.
In any case, any car that is NOT a Porsche that wears "Porsche" calipers will
always look a bit poser. It's like that old Tiburon with "Handling by Porsche"
ya, maybe they helped a bit, but it's still no Porsche ..and who ever heard
of a FWD Porsche ? It's hard to believe would let their name be used on a,
ehem, Hyundai...
I had nice ones for S1, so after some editing a little, here are my S2 ones.

Not sure why the Brembo Logo doesn't show, if anybody wants a bash help yourself.

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Skin? The files are there, above. The car skins is my teams Skin.


PS - I have been informed that the Brembo Logo does appear
And here is the Formula Pads.
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Brake pads and discs
(33 posts, started )