(26 posts, started )
Hey all,

Yeah, me again, the pariah. I know, I know, I stuffed up. Big time.

I’m hoping some of you might be able to forgive me. In particular, those with the world records that I took (only briefly!), and those who had to read the rubbish I posted in the other thread. But really, to the whole community, the developers, everyone… I’m sorry.

I don’t really have a good reason for what I did. I could say ‘I did it cause I’m a kid’, or blame hormones, but I don’t think anyone wants to hear excuses. I don’t really know why. I sorta wanted to prove a point, and after I uploaded it, everything just happened so quick… so I just took the defensive mode.

I’m really sorry guys. I promise I won’t do anything like this ever again. If you want me to remove my account, I will, but from now on I promise to be a much more positive member of the Live For Speed community like I have been for the 2 odd years I've been here.

If this place, this game, and you folks didn’t mean so much to me, I wouldn’t bother. I would just use another account or play another sim. But I want to do this right. Please, give me another chance.

(510N3D) DELETED by 510N3D
#2 - SamH

See ya on track!
#3 - Goop

Shows you really like your LFS
Welcome back on the light side ^_^
#6 - axus
Good for you, for apologising.
#9 - joen
The thing I'm just wondering about is why you uploaded those WRs several times. It looked like Victor had removed them in the meantime and you kept wanting to put them back there.

Anyway, doesn't really matter in the end. Your apology speaks for you and I believe you when you say you'll never do it again.

So, hang on and try to do some clean WRs!
Echoing the response, just dont let yourself down like that again dustin.

Takes time to build respect , and you really have improved as a driver, this "episode" has dented that. But aslong as you are sincere, this will be forgiven but maybe not forgotten by all.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
was funni though
Quote from ORION :was funni though

Ture is was funny when he was in full page argument. Well done dustin for the apology
what was happening then?
(510N3D) DELETED by 510N3D
dawedust attacked scawens cat luckily he apologised now.
#16 - Jakg
what is Scawens cat actually called then? i thought Geraldine, bu then i remembered that was the name of his wife!
Hmm would like to know too? What happended?
Thanks Dustin I respect you for doing that
Let me guess...

He uploaded a WR hotlap which he was cheating on...?
#20 - axus
Quote from BlakjeKaas :Let me guess...

He uploaded a WR hotlap which he was cheating on...?

You are quick!
Quote from Jakg :what is Scawens cat actually called then? i thought Geraldine, bu then i remembered that was the name of his wife!

I guess they called it Orion then
Like the cat in MIB
axus, i didnt know what had happened either, but maybe that is because some of the members of lfs, that post here dont live breath and sleep lfs, and hover on here 23 hours a day(the other hour to watch porn)
#23 - axus
Quote from v4forlife :axus, i didnt know what had happened either, but maybe that is because some of the members of lfs, that post here dont live breath and sleep lfs, and hover on here 23 hours a day(the other hour to watch porn)

Gee, people don't get jokes nowadays.

And.. I didn't know what happened either, but did I ask if it is indeed what it obviously is?
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Hey all,

Yeah, me again, the pariah. I know, I know, I stuffed up. Big time.

I’m hoping some of you might be able to forgive me. In particular, those with the world records that I took (only briefly!), and those who had to read the rubbish I posted in the other thread. But really, to the whole community, the developers, everyone… I’m sorry.

I don’t really have a good reason for what I did. I could say ‘I did it cause I’m a kid’, or blame hormones, but I don’t think anyone wants to hear excuses. I don’t really know why. I sorta wanted to prove a point, and after I uploaded it, everything just happened so quick… so I just took the defensive mode.

I’m really sorry guys. I promise I won’t do anything like this ever again. If you want me to remove my account, I will, but from now on I promise to be a much more positive member of the Live For Speed community like I have been for the 2 odd years I've been here.

If this place, this game, and you folks didn’t mean so much to me, I wouldn’t bother. I would just use another account or play another sim. But I want to do this right. Please, give me another chance.


I personally didn't know or see of any of the things you mentioned above but I respect you for apologising!!!

It shows that even though sometimes people can be childish (me including) that in the end, are always man enough to apologise!!

Hope to see you online soon!!
Well, Thanks to all Biggie, I'll get on that SO2 RB4 WR of yours :P. This has really shown me that the LFS community is very forgiving when people make mistakes, and that really gives me faith in the community even when I lose faith seeing all those "WTF I GOT BANNED" threads. Again, I thank all of you for accepting my apology and I hope to race with all of you soon.


(26 posts, started )