Quote from ACCAkut :

Kinda loses funnies for the fact it uses æ instead of ä. Potential for funny lost.
Works ok in english, but 'sp' is a way of life......

Attached images
death star.jpg
camo legs

Quote from matijapkc :First one may be đ and I think some keyboard also have the ae thing.

hold down :
right ALT and then press the following buttons whilst holding ALT 0230 and you recieve the following = æ
Quote from BlueFlame :hold down :
right ALT and then press the following buttons whilst holding ALT 0230 and you recieve the following = æ

Control + alt + z also seems to work.
Quote from Bose321 :Control + alt + z also seems to work.

Not on EN-UK language keyboard it don't.
Quote from BlueFlame :Not on EN-UK language keyboard it don't.

But the person who came across it is Canadian.
just go into lfs and copy it

(gacek1) DELETED by Scawen : joke includes world trade centre collision - many deaths - not funny
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :But the person who came across it is Canadian.

They'd probably have EN-US language which for the most part interms of alternate vowels is exactly the same as EN-UK.
(gacek1) DELETED by gacek1
Quote from e2mustang :just go into lfs and copy it

Or just press the refresh button and get different text.

Quote from ACCAkut :*Gauge cluster pic*

I have had my tach in that Pedobear range many times.
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
(14533 posts, closed, started )