The MiniFBM Series returns on 8 April 2012!
This time, from FE2X_F25 for 24 laps.
Race weekend timetable:
18:00 UTC Saturday, 7 April: Signups lockout begins
Sunday, 8 April 2012:
17:20 UTC Qualifying, 20 minutes. Open track, unlimited laps.
17:53 UTC Grid Stacking Begins
18:00 UTC Formation Lap Begins
18:00 UTC Monday, 9 April: Signups lockout ends
Server password and info will be PM'd to confirmed entrants after the confirmations deadline expires.
This time, from FE2X_F25 for 24 laps.
Race weekend timetable:
18:00 UTC Saturday, 7 April: Signups lockout begins
Sunday, 8 April 2012:
17:20 UTC Qualifying, 20 minutes. Open track, unlimited laps.
17:53 UTC Grid Stacking Begins
18:00 UTC Formation Lap Begins
18:00 UTC Monday, 9 April: Signups lockout ends
Server password and info will be PM'd to confirmed entrants after the confirmations deadline expires.