ALT TAB Freezes Game
(4 posts, started )
ALT TAB Freezes Game
It started about a week ago, every time I do "alt tab" on LFS, even if it's windowed, the game freezes for 5-10 seconds, if press Shift F4 (maximize) if also freezes for about the same time...

I tought it could be a problem with my LFS instalation, so I downloaded a fresh LFS and installed it, it happens exacly the same thing, I remembered that I have a LFS S1 on my HD, so I tested it, and saame thing...

I alreadly changed my graphics driver, with a fresh instalation too, and it didn't help...

I tried to do the same thing on other games, like Dirt3, Driver:SF, Borderlands, etc, and I can ALT+TAB normally, windowed or full screen, but on any instalation of LFS, even S1, it freezes for about 5-10 secs...

what could be causing this?
try control + esc to minize and see if keep freezing
Alt Tab
I wish I knew the answer.
I have had the same problem since I built my new PC last year.
I used to be able to alt Tab out of game, look at a web page etc... and then jump back into LFS. Now it takes forever to get back to LFS, sometimes up to 30 seconds and very often it will drop the connection so I will be timed out on the LFS server.

This is really annoying as I used to alt tab out and start a 2nd copy of LFS to check replays of incidents while adminning the Redline Racing servers.
Now it's 50/50 I get timed out when I try to switch back to the Original instance of LFS.

I have a Core i7, 8 GB Ram, Radeon 6970, Windows 7 64 Bit.

My previous PC which worked fine was Core i5 2500K, 4GB Ram, Nvidia 8800GTS, Windows 7 64 Bit.

I've been down the avenue of trying latest drivers for everything, older drivers, Bios updates, reinstallation of LFS, reinstall of Windows 7 etc... but I can't find a cure for it.

One other thing I have noticed is that on my older PC, LFS used to start up almost instantly. My newer (supposedly faster) PC takes at least 10 secs to display the initial LFS screen, although occasionally it seems to start much quicker.
I tested the "ctrl esc" and it didn't froze, so I tested alt tab, shift F4, and it's magically perfect now, 0,1sec to alt tab, maximize, minimize, fullscreen, windowed...

dunno if it has something about the "ctrl esc", or it fixed itself during the night... but thanks anyway!
(Specht77) DELETED by Specht77

ALT TAB Freezes Game
(4 posts, started )