I notice that in the Nations Cup leaderboard there is both England and United Kingdom listed. Surely, the England results should be merged into United Kingdom? Or United Kingdom split into the 4 separate countries. You can't have both!
I think it's just literally done off what country people listed their sign-up as, I think before they were either combined or completely separated. Thilo will be able to tell you
You can have the separate countries, e.g. "England", "Scotland", etc. OR you can have "United Kingdom". A table that can show both is wrong.
I would suggest (given we don't have any drivers from any other UK countries than England), simply combining England into a single "United Kingdom" entry.
Yes, it's because Thilo/deko is lazy and just used a vlookup function to relate what country people signed up with to their points total. Normally they just put them all together as GBR (example) so I'll see what Thilo thinks. But yes as it is at the moment is incorrect.
That example isn't entirely correct either, as it has Scotland listed separately. Ireland is OK to be separate as it relates to the Republic of Ireland. "United Kingdom" quite literally means "the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" which excludes the Republic of Ireland but includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. I presume I've now confused everybody?
We've decided, that we leave it to the drivers for what nation they want to score points for. Nationality is something personal and nothing objective. The United Kingdom is a special case, since there are Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish (maybe even some English) who don't feel British, then why force them to race for a flag, they don't stand for.
Everyone in the UK and Ireland is British, just like they are European.
The British Isles is the geographic term for the group of islands the various countries are in, no matter if you describe them as UK & Ireland, or England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland.
OK, but it does dilute the points somewhat so puts home nations at a disadvantage in the Nations Cup :doh:
If you want people to be able to specify England, Scotland, etc., i.e. individual countries, then fine, but you can't then allow United Kingdom as a possible choice. It's either/or, not both.
Well not really. Since the way the Nation Cup points are scored is the way it is
Why can't we? Give us a reason why? Don't overestimate the sporting meaning of the Nations Cup.
In case of LFSCART it was a real mistake since we said we stick to ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, which does not include the states of England, N.Ireland, Scotland and Wales but the United Kingdom.
Purely logical reasons - in that the 4 countries are a subset of the United Kingdom. Personally, I don't mind whether I'm classified as England or United Kingdom, but I'd like my points to go to the collective cause for whatever my nation is deemed to be, but at present they're being split 2 ways. Look it's really not a big deal and after this post I'll stop going on about it. One final piece by way of illustration:
In football (soccer), we compete internationally as England, Scotland, Wales, etc. - there is NO United Kingdom or Great Britain team.
In the Olympics, we'll compete internationally as Team GB - there is NO England, Scotland, Wales, etc.
It simply doesn't ever happen that you would have both in the same competition.
It is funny that you pick out football and the olympics as every 4 years I read articles by the BBC how stupid the ongoing dispute between the NOC, IOC and the national football associations. The IOC doesn't allow England, Scotland, Wales or N.Ireland to compete, as they don't have an NOC, just the United Kingdom has one. This results in the motherland of football not being allowed to play in the Olympics even when they are qualified. Since this year the Games are in London, the IOC agreed to have a British Team. You won't find Scottish, Welsh or N.Irish playes, as the associations couldn't agree on a process to find a real national team. Moreover in Football players from the chanal islands and Gibraltar, thus they are British, have no national team in football.
For rugby it will be a bit different, since there are the British and Irish Lions internationally, there are also two New Zealand teams. Personally I think were here in the freedom of the internet, there should not be unneccesary restrictons, but maybe that's only my point of view.
I'm not saying either method is necessarily correct, just that they are incompatible with each other (in my opinion).
But it's your league, so you can do what you want. Perhaps, however, you'd allow me to transfer the points I have so far accrued for United Kingdom to England as that's what others seem to be using most, and use England as my nominated country going forward? Thank you.
Ehm... you didn't score points for England, since James Peace was the best positioned English entry, you neither scored points for United Kingdom since Luke Marchant was the best positioned entry from United Kingdom. But sure you can start under English flag if you want.