Think you should know about IC server
(29 posts, started )
Think you should know about IC server
Well as you all may have noticed, there is a new cruise server out on s2. Things you should know about IC:
  • IC is using UC's insim without any granted permission (They were hosting for us and stole the source code off the owner's dropbox
  • It was then revealed that Frozen (owner of IC) is actually Kevin
  • Frozen has banned anyone who mentioned about the insim on his server to cover up.
There you go.
Thanks for clarifying that, Dan. Appreciated, as always. Let's hope this will put an end to it all..
/care take it to pms. This is teams section. Not public server bashing
Quote from Mustangman759 :/care take it to pms. This is teams section. Not public server bashing

if this is in the wrong place then a modarator can move it, we are done doing pm's, weve tried mutiple times to sort this but kevin doesnt listen and now a good team has to suffer cause no one seems to care. what ever the outcome is i just want IC to gain there own rep not steal it off someone else who started with nothing and built theres up. everything was peacefull kevin has been trying to get uc's insim for the last year i let my guard down for 1 minute and its gone amazing aye

and for those who dont know:
cool story
(Mustangman759) DELETED by Mustangman759
Apologies for my teammates' comments.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Maybe it's best to keep all IC related messages in 1 thread:

i agree, but as weve tried to keep this personal for a while as nothing has happend except people coming into UC asking us why UC and IC are identical with insims what are we to tell them? , i would go to the lfs dev's but what can they do? all i want is for them not to use our insim we didnt give them permission to use it, and ive told him all this, pleading with him not to use it but, what he said to me was "if we stop using UC's insim IC will be dead again"

ive tried everything only thing left to do after being nice and keeping his secret was to come here because theres nothing else we can do.

and again if this is in the wrong section we are sorry we didnt exactly know where to put it.

edit: the result of a convo, this is what im talking about guys.

[2:26:22 AM] Frozen: well
[2:26:26 AM] Frozen: say thanks to
[2:26:27 AM] Frozen: dan
[2:26:30 AM] Frozen: for that kevin thing
[2:26:35 AM] Frozen: and aswell i thank you for tell him.
[2:27:11 AM] Selena4Eva: he knew i didnt tell him
[2:27:19 AM] Frozen: ofc
[2:28:32 AM] Selena4Eva: well frozen i tried reasoning with you being nice as i could. you wouldnt listen
[2:28:39 AM] Selena4Eva: i told you conflict would happen
[2:29:00 AM] Frozen: sure
[2:29:05 AM] Frozen: i dont care about your threads
[2:29:07 AM] Frozen: full of shit
[2:29:10 AM] Frozen: like flame says
[2:29:14 AM] Frozen: this is not a lfsforum discussion
[2:29:19 AM] Frozen: this needs to be used into pms
[2:30:09 AM] Selena4Eva: lol, well everyone knows and until you stop using the insim the news will get bigger and bigger
[2:30:15 AM] Frozen: ok
[2:30:17 AM] Frozen: i wont stop now.
[2:30:20 AM] Frozen: you maked me angry.
[2:30:20 AM] Frozen: bye.

First of all i need to say...

I'm really sad at this moment cause , more than i tried to keep into @LFS , i failed always. With the xtreme13's and their posts telling that i was a hacker and more things that weren't true... Now discovered that chriship is too xtreme13 , and my real name is Kevin yes, and im from Spain.

Why i changed location + account? Well probably i did a big fault changing from account , trying to avoid the insults and all things that they were posting about me.
I changed the account for try to make a new life into @LFS , i was just trying to have fun cruising/racing and drifting . All was perfect until this went out again

About the stoled insim, here's the Skype Logs where shows that S4L-G ( Chris - chrizza132 sended to Frozen-Kevin , the UC'S Source...)

Quote :[6:25:33 PM] Frozen: [4/11/2012 7:44:37 PM] S4L-G: you can make it anyway you want buid
[4/11/2012 7:44:40 PM] S4L-G: your the dev
[4/11/2012 7:44:46 PM] S4L-G: just make sure it all works
[4/11/2012 7:44:54 PM] Frozen: yes
[4/11/2012 7:44:54 PM] Frozen: but
[4/11/2012 7:44:58 PM] Frozen: i wanted to know
[4/11/2012 7:45:00 PM] Frozen: if you have the code
[4/11/2012 7:45:03 PM] Frozen: without the panels done
[4/11/2012 7:45:06 PM] Frozen: know what i mean?
[4/11/2012 7:45:34 PM] Frozen: cause control + z wont work for the panels.
[4/11/2012 7:45:38 PM] Frozen: well i try to reput it as they were
[4/11/2012 7:45:41 PM] Frozen: for release it
[4/11/2012 7:46:09 PM] S4L-G: wha?
[4/11/2012 7:46:11 PM] S4L-G: im lost lol
[4/11/2012 7:46:11 PM] Frozen: well
[4/11/2012 7:46:13 PM] Frozen: you know
[4/11/2012 7:46:15 PM] Frozen: the lotto panel
[4/11/2012 7:46:16 PM] Frozen: the new one
[4/11/2012 7:46:18 PM] S4L-G: yea
[4/11/2012 7:46:21 PM] Frozen: well
[4/11/2012 7:46:25 PM] Frozen: i wanna keep it
[4/11/2012 7:46:30 PM] Frozen: but the jussi's one
[4/11/2012 7:46:34 PM] Frozen: i wanna put as the others
[4/11/2012 7:46:36 PM] Frozen: and make
[4/11/2012 7:46:39 PM] Frozen: like the lotto one
[4/11/2012 7:46:41 PM] Frozen: in the next release
[4/11/2012 7:46:45 PM] Frozen: cause i wanna release this
[4/11/2012 7:46:53 PM] S4L-G: :P then do it xD
[4/11/2012 7:46:56 PM] Frozen: but
[4/11/2012 7:47:04 PM] Frozen: how i put jussi's one back
[4/11/2012 7:47:09 PM] Frozen: control +z wont work
[4/11/2012 7:47:42 PM] *** S4L-G sent Universal Cruise Insim System (UCIS_Selena).rar ***
[4/11/2012 7:47:54 PM] S4L-G: before jussi's was updated
[6:26:05 PM] Frozen: see?

If wanna a picture i can post it too for show us guys that i am not a liar.

And i banned from my server... i hate liars , i got enough with all this posts and threads that they were making for a non-reason.

Well i hope that if i did anything wrong i get forgiven and that i can continue having fun with my friends , that was the reason why i joined lfs...

Nothing more to say

Sorry for my bad english...
That may be true, BUT

That was when you worked as our Developer. We never allowed you to use it for any IC server, that's where the stealing part joins the party.
Quote from Chriship :Hello,

First of all i need to say...

I'm really sad at this moment cause , more than i tried to keep into @LFS , i failed always. With the xtreme13's and their posts telling that i was a hacker and more things that weren't true... Now discovered that chriship is too xtreme13 , and my real name is Kevin yes, and im from Spain.

Why i changed location + account? Well probably i did a big fault changing from account , trying to avoid the insults and all things that they were posting about me.
I changed the account for try to make a new life into @LFS , i was just trying to have fun cruising/racing and drifting . All was perfect until this went out again

About the stoled insim, here's the Skype Logs where shows that S4L-G ( Chris - chrizza132 sended to Frozen-Kevin , the UC'S Source...)

If wanna a picture i can post it too for show us guys that i am not a liar.

And i banned from my server... i hate liars , i got enough with all this posts and threads that they were making for a non-reason.

Well i hope that if i did anything wrong i get forgiven and that i can continue having fun with my friends , that was the reason why i joined lfs...

Nothing more to say.

oh rlly? and i told you that was for deving purposes cause you wouldnt stop nagging me? this is why we got rid of you out of our team cause you were annoying that and your kevin and i couldnt have accsess to my own server when you were hosting, you lied to me by covering up your self faking your from greece when your from spain, and then because im all stressed about this you copy the insim source code to your desktop because you thought i was going to shut UC down. yea kevin real mature. well GL with our insim its obvious you cant get any people without using other peoples work.

and also:
id like to mention for all new people out there that want to get into coding NEVER let anyone code for you. as i was told by many people i know boy was i a stupid one. it either ends up like this, or you spend hours trying to think of what to do because some heartless person takes your teams insim. sadly theres nothing we can do. but if UC shuts down in the near future. all our cruisers know who to blame.

I know i did lie to you , that's why i asked sorry for that '' Lie to you about my geolocation via the ip , and where i did live..."

That messages from skype are the same as i've posted there , so i dont understand why you repeat my own words.

Quote :[4/12/2012 2:58:06 PM] S4L-G: who knows
[4/12/2012 2:58:20 PM] S4L-G: if dan shuts it down then you still get to keep the insim
[4/12/2012 2:58:24 PM] S4L-G: just make sure you rename it all
[4/12/2012 2:58:29 PM] S4L-G: IF he shuts it down
[4/12/2012 2:58:41 PM] Frozen: still
[4/12/2012 2:58:47 PM] Frozen: pff ;(
[4/12/2012 2:58:51 PM] Frozen: does everyone know that you decided?
[4/12/2012 2:58:54 PM] Frozen: and deleted lfs?
[4/12/2012 2:58:57 PM] S4L-G: nope
[4/12/2012 2:59:01 PM] S4L-G: but ill still be in contact
[4/12/2012 2:59:06 PM] Frozen:
[4/12/2012 2:59:13 PM] Frozen: read jussi-pekka in chat ;(
[4/12/2012 2:59:21 PM] Frozen: he dont knows wt i talk about
[4/12/2012 2:59:22 PM] Frozen: ;(
[4/12/2012 3:14:41 PM] S4L-G: ok i have some stuff to give
[4/12/2012 3:14:42 PM] S4L-G: you
[4/12/2012 3:14:48 PM] S4L-G: cause im deleteing all code off my pc to
[4/12/2012 3:15:08 PM] S4L-G: well there's some stuff i cant give you cause its Aarons but
[4/12/2012 3:15:33 PM] Frozen: stuff like what?
[4/12/2012 3:16:24 PM] *** S4L-G sent Universal Cruise.rar ***
[4/12/2012 3:16:28 PM] S4L-G: our race insim
[4/12/2012 3:16:30 PM] S4L-G: and Enduro insim
[4/12/2012 3:16:35 PM] S4L-G: there not finished
[4/12/2012 3:16:36 PM] S4L-G: but
[4/12/2012 3:16:40 PM] S4L-G: you can play around with them
[4/12/2012 3:16:50 PM] Frozen: ok
[4/12/2012 3:16:55 PM] Frozen: will test it
[4/12/2012 3:17:01 PM] S4L-G: i cant give you aarons stuff sorry lol
[4/12/2012 3:17:07 PM] Frozen: no worreis
[4/12/2012 3:17:08 PM] S4L-G: the drift insim and his LS insim
[4/12/2012 3:17:10 PM] Frozen: worries*
[4/12/2012 3:17:16 PM] Frozen: k
[4/12/2012 3:17:17 PM] Frozen: no worries.
[4/12/2012 3:21:07 PM] Frozen: how owrks
[4/12/2012 3:21:09 PM] Frozen: the enduro r
[4/12/2012 3:21:11 PM] Frozen: insim?
[4/12/2012 3:21:15 PM] S4L-G: lol
[4/12/2012 3:21:17 PM] Frozen: i mean looks like uc cruise
[4/12/2012 3:21:28 PM] S4L-G: thats cause its built off the same source
[4/12/2012 3:21:31 PM] S4L-G: bassicly
[4/12/2012 3:21:36 PM] S4L-G: it just counts distance and cash

Lying again? You didn't gave it to me? Oh man cm'on read your own words before posting something into

This is making me really angry

[4/12/2012 3:15:33 PM] Frozen: stuff like what?
[4/12/2012 3:16:24 PM] *** S4L-G sent Universal Cruise.rar ***
[4/12/2012 3:16:28 PM] S4L-G: our race insim
[4/12/2012 3:16:30 PM] S4L-G: and Enduro insim
[4/12/2012 3:16:35 PM] S4L-G: there not finished
[4/12/2012 3:16:36 PM] S4L-G: but
[4/12/2012 3:16:40 PM] S4L-G: you can play around with them
[4/12/2012 3:16:50 PM] Frozen: ok
[4/12/2012 3:16:55 PM] Frozen: will test it
[4/12/2012 3:17:01 PM] S4L-G: i cant give you aarons stuff sorry lol
[4/12/2012 3:17:07 PM] Frozen: no worreis
[4/12/2012 3:17:08 PM] S4L-G: the drift insim and his LS insim
[4/12/2012 3:17:10 PM] Frozen: worries*
[4/12/2012 3:17:16 PM] Frozen: k
Quote from Chriship :@Chrizza132...

I know i did lie to you , that's why i asked sorry for that '' Lie to you about my geolocation via the ip , and where i did live..."

That messages from skype are the same as i've posted there , so i dont understand why you repeat my own words.

Lying again? You didn't gave it to me? Oh man cm'on read your own words before posting something into

This is making me really angry

[4/12/2012 3:15:33 PM] Frozen: stuff like what?
[4/12/2012 3:16:24 PM] *** S4L-G sent Universal Cruise.rar ***
[4/12/2012 3:16:28 PM] S4L-G: our race insim
[4/12/2012 3:16:30 PM] S4L-G: and Enduro insim
[4/12/2012 3:16:35 PM] S4L-G: there not finished
[4/12/2012 3:16:36 PM] S4L-G: but
[4/12/2012 3:16:40 PM] S4L-G: you can play around with them
[4/12/2012 3:16:50 PM] Frozen: ok
[4/12/2012 3:16:55 PM] Frozen: will test it
[4/12/2012 3:17:01 PM] S4L-G: i cant give you aarons stuff sorry lol
[4/12/2012 3:17:07 PM] Frozen: no worreis
[4/12/2012 3:17:08 PM] S4L-G: the drift insim and his LS insim
[4/12/2012 3:17:10 PM] Frozen: worries*
[4/12/2012 3:17:16 PM] Frozen: k

race insim is on the lfs forum for download its by broken go check it
enduro insim had nothing in it but a bare base

and persides those insim's were not related to our CRUISE server the main insim.

like your friend bill said to me last night, "if we change back IC will be dead"

well bad luck learn to do things by your self like i had to.

Then please don't say lies about me.

I didn't steal it , you did send it to me , your own problem.

Will stop posting replys into this post.

It's a no-sense.

Quote from Chriship :Then please don't say lies about me.

I didn't steal it , you did send it to me , your own problem.

Will stop posting replys into this post.

It's a no-sense.


yea how about you get your own reputation and not take it from another team, im going to ask you one more time nicely kevin , please stop using our insim we DID NOT give you permission to use it for YOUR SERVER, it was givin to you for deving purposes when you were hosting our server not anything else.
This could be interesting to read, but meh, too much text.
#17 - PoVo
Your insim system wasn't stolen, it was just copied multiple times
Quote from PoVo :Your insim system wasn't stolen, it was just copied multiple times

bassicly yea.. , but goes to show you cant trust anyone these day's, you try to help someone by letting them into your team and then after you let him into your things for development. boom. man i wish i listend to both Kremmah and Rage when they told me to not let anyone dev for me, i deserve a kick up the ass for that.
Your own fault,

It's not my problem if you don't decide with what you are doeing with your life

Quote :[7:58:03 PM] Frozen: [Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:56 PM] S4L-G:

<<< and if dan decides to shut UC down
you can have the insim— S4L-G, Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:56 PM

[7:58:12 PM] Frozen: [Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:56 PM] S4L-G:

<<< you cant use UC's name alright— S4L-G, Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:56 PM

[7:58:19 PM] Frozen: [Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:57 PM] Frozen:

<<< i prefer have you as friend
that a insim— Frozen, Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:57 PM

[7:58:34 PM] Frozen: [Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:58 PM] S4L-G:

<<< if dan shuts it down then you still get to keep the insim
just make sure you rename it all— S4L-G, Thursday, April 12, 2012 2:58 PM

I really now ignore this thread.

More questions? Contact at my email @ -> [email protected]
Or contact me at @Skype -> Frozen233

Quote from Chriship :Your own fault,

It's not my problem if you don't decide with what you are doeing with your life

I really now ignore this thread.

More questions? Contact at my email @ -> [email protected]
Or contact me at @Skype -> Frozen233


mhmm is UC shut down? no so stop posting stuff from when you were in our team AND before i knew you were kevin. exactly as i said IF dan decided to shut uc down THEN you may use the insim but UC isnt and its still uc's always will be. but seeing as you think its alright to use it. ive put something in the auto message cue about IC dont forget our server is full daily. but until you stop using the insim that message wont come off and its legit to it says: INFO:IC Cruise is using our insim for there server without permission. if you see an IC member in UC pls contact one of the admins. you wanna use it go for it but UC wont back down until you stop using it.
Quote from chrizza132 :mhmm is UC shut down? no so stop posting stuff from when you were in our team AND before i knew you were kevin. exactly as i said IF dan decided to shut uc down THEN you may use the insim but UC isnt and its still uc's always will be. but seeing as you think its alright to use it. ive put something in the auto message cue about IC dont forget our server is full daily. but until you stop using the insim that message wont come off and its legit to it says: INFO:IC Cruise is using our insim for there server without permission. if you see an IC member in UC pls contact one of the admins. you wanna use it go for it but UC wont back down until you stop using it.
(Bmxtwins) DELETED by Bmxtwins : not involving myself in this shit lol
TBH exactly the same thing used to happen with racing servers - anyone remember the legendary "I got banned - what to do" thread before it was cleared, with all the Redline Racing ban arguments in it?
I kinda could careless bout insim. mainly no one will do anything about it. im trying to get the point across about a multi account. Chriship is in fact extreme14
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Quote from 240sxdaniel89 :I kinda could careless bout insim. mainly no one will do anything about it. im trying to get the point across about a multi account. Chriship is in fact extreme14

and er.kevin

Think you should know about IC server
(29 posts, started )