The online racing simulator
Hi to every body. New to LFS and already need help
Hi all you fellow LFS maniacs
After playing around offline with the S2 demo and playing GTR, GTL and rFactor already afor a while, I bought the S2 license last night. But I´m already stuck. How can I find a server to play online. The list shows me plenty of servers, but all require passwords. I´m lost right now. What am I supposed to do?

Any help is most appreciated, most probably I´m a little retarded



PS: Otherwise I´m absolutely addicted to the ultimate "driving feel" of LFS, it´s absolutely top notch physics wise. What a blast to drive these cars.
#2 - joen
Are you sure they require passwords? Don't let the password field fool you, it's always there. Just don't fill in anything and press ok.

Some servers require a password, but most of them are public. Passworded servers also have a label with "private" on them in the serverlist.
hi, i thought that at first. the majority you dont need a password so just go without typing anything in. the 1's that need a password will say on the server list
You may also be filtering out public servers - check the little buttons (Private/Public/Full/Empty) at the bottom of the server screen (not available whilst a search is in progress).
On a side note you can input a password but you will join a server as a normal user. Took me some time of deleting and rewritting the password when joining the server I am admin on to figure that out hehe.
First of all thanks to all of you, all your quick replies are unbelievable. In such a short time so many helpfull hands, thanks a lot.
But as I pointed out before I´m a little bit of a moron. You are right the pw field fooled me, didn´t even try before.
Anyway thanks again.
Just peeked on one server, but am still a little bit scared to join online
welcome to s2!
don't be afaird to play online.
if you say your new to s2 people will prolly help you and give tips!!

hope to see u on tracks!
lol that password thing got me allso, allso dont be scard to play online most known players are really nice helpfull and dont mind new players my only hints are when online try obey racing rules and obey Blue flags

ur best option when learning is just hang behind try not to get into a crash and follow the other drivers around learning their lines and braking points
#9 - joen
Quote from joe2111 :First of all thanks to all of you, all your quick replies are unbelievable. In such a short time so many helpfull hands, thanks a lot.
But as I pointed out before I´m a little bit of a moron. You are right the pw field fooled me, didn´t even try before.
Anyway thanks again.
Just peeked on one server, but am still a little bit scared to join online

Don't be scared, really no need for it. Drive with respect towards other racers and you will be fine. And if you screw up don't worry, we all have sometimes. Just say sorry and most people will accept. Those that don't are the jackasses every community has.
Start at the back of the field first, let them take some distance from you. Then try to catch up with them, that will be good training for you

edit: just saw you have finished races. so that kinda makes my post completely useless
Welcome to LFS and good bye to all that went before
Thanks guys, thanks joen,

true, just passed a couple of races on BL GP. That´s the only track I know well. But I think I´ve to work with the setups, cause the standards even with little bit less downforce are not competitive. Anyway great fun. But it´s funny everybody is bitching about the stupid AI, but I think sometimes we´re not even better. Just kidding. But it´s good fun. The only thing wI have to get used to is the permanent chatting thing. Little bit confusing.
AMazing how stable LFS is. I´ve only tried GTR online when it came out, then I couldn´t play online anymore cause of moving and lack of DSL-. But since about a week I got DSL again in my area where I live and I immediately tried to get back online. Million times better the just hotlapping on your own.

Great to be in the LFS community
#12 - joen
Quote from joe2111 :Thanks guys, thanks joen,

Just to be sure......ehm...... I'm a guy too

About the setups, they make a lot of difference. The best option is to try creating a set yourself that's really suited to your driving style. In the meantime you could check out the team inferno setups (link in my sig) to get an idea. Those setups are mainly meant for hotlapping though so they aren't always suitable for (especially longer) races.

And if the chatting distracts you press the minus key on your keyboard to shut 'em up
good one joen ....ehm.... but are u sure :ices_rofl

just kidding, just wanted to point out my gratefullness

no really thanks for your tips, I´ll check out the site you mentioned. This whole LFS thing is so incredible, just checked out the online stats of you and some other GUYS , it´s incredible all this deep information. It´s also usefull to see what laptimes are possible. I´m absolutely blown away by all the content of LFS.
But I think the main thing is the community, I´m a frequent reader of RSC forums and it´s great to see what is going on here.