Question for the music boffins
(15 posts, started )
#1 - BAMBO
Question for the music boffins
So I am looking for two songs from the 90s. Both of them I believe are either techno or trance. I don't remember anything about the songs with the exception of the videoclips.

1. A guy drops his girlfriend to what appears to be a dessert resort. She is extremely stoic not even giving him a goodbye kiss, as are the other patients there ( All of them being hot and stoic girls) The owners of the resort are bald and I believe they are two or three in number (also wearing dark sunglasses). At night, they seem to play them a song that puts them into a hypnotic dance. They eventually start having emotions. The videoclip ends with the guy going back after her. She now smiles and hugs him, being extremely energetic and emotional.

The second is a little tougher as I can only scarcely remember it.

2. It's about a spy that seems to be carrying something important. He is constantly chased through the videos by the bad guys. I believe he initially jumps out of a plain and lands in a classic Corvette. The videoclip ends with him driving the Corvette into a cave hideout where it turns out that the important thing is actually a recipe for what seems to be a tomatoe sauce (for meatballs?)

Thanks in advance!
I dunno #1, but #2 is Beastie Boys - Body Movin' (Fatboy Slim Remix)
#3 - BAMBO
Thanks for the reply. Just one more to go.
And that's an E-Type Jag you heathen!
#5 - BAMBO
#6 - BAMBO
Decided to revive this thread as I have another music related question. I have a Buddha Bar CD in my car but I don't know which one it is. I particularly love one of the songs which goes something like this

"Everybody listen to the sound
Of those who live underground"

and the chorus goes something like this

"I won't go
I won't hide"

I can also tell you that the singer is a soft spoken female and the rhythm is extremely slow and atmospheric.

Cheers in advance if you know what it's called.
#8 - BAMBO
Sorry but it isn't Dido. The one I'm talking about is very slow paced.
#9 - BAMBO
In dire need once more. There was this vid on the youtube main page about a music video winner for a band. The band is french and makes music with an 80s vibe to it. Does anyone remember what the band is called?
Quote from BAMBO :The band is french and makes music with an 80s vibe to it.

What do you mean by '80s vibe? Synth pop/New wave, or...?
Synth pop. Wish I had saved the song but I forgot it. All I know is it's a french band and it had a music video contest for one of its songs.
I realise it's a bit of a long shot, but have you tried looking through lists of synth pop bands to see if any stand out? Wiki has quite a collection, and I'm sure you could find similar lists on sites like and
Actually tried that but it it's like finding a needle in a haystack. Thought someone might know their name because they recently were a top video on youtube. Thanks anyway for everything!
It's probably M83...

Question for the music boffins
(15 posts, started )