MiniFBM Series 2012 Round 4: Confirmations
Please confirm your participation for this race in this thread. You have until 15:20 UTC on Sunday, 20 May to confirm to the race.

As this series is primarily individual based, it's expected that the driver will confirm themselves, but there is nothing stopping you having a team manager-type submit confirmations en masse.

Please follow this format:

Quote :teamName,number,username,driver name,country

*The comma (,) MUST seperate each field! Do not follow the comma (,) with a space! *

This will be Standard Operating Procedure for each round of this series - all rounds will be run with the tracker operational for ease of making results, etc. This WILL NOT mean that you may rejoin after a timeout - that is still prohibited.
,28,Kid222,Zdeněk Cagaš,Czech Republic
SAVAGE SimSports,23,Fast Jarda,Jaroslav Dohnalík,Czech Republic
rForce,52,Denny12,Thomas Korený,Czech Republic
Team Vires,19,przemek21061995,Przemek Wdowiarz,Poland
pull out again caught to little sleep this night to not be a hazard on track
Ident-Racing,30,[DIH]Grilla,Scott Ling,UK
Ident-Racing,31,Corey-21,Corey Mcathey,UK
#8 - ZyXEL
Playerzone Team,93,ZyXEL,Edgars Pūliņš,Latvia
Playerzone Team,2,vincper,Holly Wong,Netherlands
Playerzone Team,10,Lex977,Alessandro Guzzaloni,Italy
Playerzone Team,58,italia-sklero,Gianluca Rotello,Italy
SAVAGE SimSports,64,Flame CZE,Martin Kapal,Czech Republic
Last Lap Motorsports,25,Bmxtwins,Ray Kingsbury,USA
(RoamerF1) DELETED by RoamerF1
,11,gangsteer,Andres Bertoni,Uruguay
CoRe Racing,32,DeadWolfBones,Ben Keough,USA
SAVAGE SimSports,18,prOmo_LTU,Laurynas Matonis,Lithuania
rForce,44,Stig209,Timo Stadius,Finland
Air Attack,39,exzibit,Marko Raković,Montenegro
FGSFDS,06,arox123,Jarl Teien,Norway
Quote from TFalke55 :pull out again caught to little sleep this night to not be a hazard on track

(Pfonter) DELETED by Pfonter : old one