Me and mu Brother are trying to play LFS on my lan server and when he tries to login, it says: "Name Already Used" or something. Someone help! P.S. Were using the Demo version!
Quote from hudzell :Me and mu Brother are trying to play LFS on my lan server and when he tries to login, it says: "Name Already Used" or something. Someone help! P.S. Were using the Demo version! Are you using the same demo account? You probably need different account names to race against eachother. (or it's indeed the 'racername' that is the same.
Indeed you have to make 2 lfs registrations - one for you and one for your brother. I guess that the ingame name must be different also.
me and my bro have diff accounts and his and my names are hudzell and geckogates (or gavan idk), i don't think he needs to change his name, or is it my server name? cause the name is like: "Gavan Join" or something like that. any more ideas?
Sometimes if you timeout of LFS or your network drops it does that. Has happened to me and my brother before, try again in like a few minutes