teamName: CoRe Racing
car: FZR
class: GT2-Pro
number: 33
- {Naamavelli, Toni Tossavainen, Finland}
- {Locovich, Dario Ramos, Argentina}
- {KaiqueBRA, Kaique Piropo, Brazil}
Quote from krkriv :teamName: Genuine Racing
car: FZR
class: GT2-Pro
number: 08
- {Deutschland2007, Dominik Engel, Germany}
- {TexasLTU, Klaidas Gasiunas, Lithuania}
- {DarknessPainF1, Joonas Koskinen, Finland}

teamName: Genuine Racing
car: FZR
class: GT2-Am
number: 10
- {Framaris, François Maris, France}
- {bossforce, Virgil Mocanu, Romania}
- {N!ghtm@re, Niklas Gebauer, Germany}

Last change.
teamName: Conquest Racing
car: FZR
class: GT2-Pro
number: 21
- {AsnL, Miłosz Garbolewski, Poland}
- {Gargus, Mateusz Daszkiewicz, Poland}
teamName: Speed Desire
car: FZR
number: 28
-{edgee21, Jacek Babowicz, Poland}
-{patrykbajger, Patryk Rozenbajger, Poland}
-{gangster13, Michał Śmieszek, Poland}
-{gordon666, Damian Gajda, Poland}
#30 - jkat
teamName: WCL Racing
Car: FZR
class: GT2-Am
Number: 11
- {jkat, Jari Katila, Finland}
- {jsrk, Joni Katila, Finland}
- {firexter, Erik Manelius, Finland}
- {uittola, Veli Soini, Finland}
Quote from rockclan :teamName: Team Rock Racing
car: FZR
class: GT2-PRO
number: 29
- {Tomhah, Tommy Østgaard, Norway}
- {GreyBull [CHA], Yann Laprevotte, France}

#32 - CSF
Hmmm, so a fair few who did Pre-Q have not confirmed... low attending quali session then. Please confirm if you intend to race.
#33 - CSF
Quote from nikosk31 :teamName: Hellenic Racing team
class: Pro
car: XRR
number: 20
- {Varwnos, Andy Perrs, Greece}
- {billkaza, Vasilis Kazantzas, Greece}
- {nikosk31, Nikos Koudourakis, Greece}
- {Nestoras7, Kiosoglou Nestoras, Greece}

just a small fix if possible. Thank you
We do understand we are late and without pre-q and q but if there is any chance to start from pits - we would be up for that,so:

teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
car: FZR
Class: GT2-Am
number: 96
- {Fast Jarda, Jarda Dohnalík, Czech Republic}
- {prOmo_LTU, Laurynas Matonis, Lithuania}
#37 - CSF
Quote from prOmo_LTU :We do understand we are late and without pre-q and q but if there is any chance to start from pits - we would be up for that,so:

teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
car: FZR
Class: GT2-Am
number: 96
- {Fast Jarda, Jarda Dohnalík, Czech Republic}
- {prOmo_LTU, Laurynas Matonis, Lithuania}

Ok come and we will see what happens.
-TRR- wont take part ;-(
#39 - CSF
Quote from prOmo_LTU :We do understand we are late and without pre-q and q but if there is any chance to start from pits - we would be up for that,so:

teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
car: FZR
Class: GT2-Am
number: 96
- {Fast Jarda, Jarda Dohnalík, Czech Republic}
- {prOmo_LTU, Laurynas Matonis, Lithuania}

Unfortunately we have decided to follow the rules and will not be allowing car 96 participation in this race. This follows discussion by admins this afternoon.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :teamName: CoRe Racing
car: FZR
class: GT2-Pro
number: 33
- {Naamavelli, Toni Tossavainen, Finland}
- {Locovich, Dario Ramos, Argentina}
- {KaiqueBRA, Kaique Piropo, Brazil}

Quote from wildstyle :teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
car: XRR
Class: GT2-Pro
number: 69
- {prOmo_LTU, Laurynas Matonis, Lithuania}
- {wildstyle, Ditlev Errebo, Denmark}
- {Fast Jarda, Jarda Dohnalík, Czech Republic}

Adding us to pro car since Juho won't make it home. We accept the penalty.