Hi all, being the first s2 car I got to grips with Im a big fan of the FZR. Iwas actracted to the GTR cars mostly and I found my love with this one because I like the mid engined setups.
Having looked at all the figures for the GTR class cars, the FZR stands out to be the quickest, and for good reason, I think it should be.
However, Gazing over the engine specs turned up a perculiarity that i just cant ignore anymore.
The 3.6 Litre produces in excess of 500nm of torque. I believe that this is an unrealistic figure. Now I cant seem to find much information about the subject so I'm not sure if this is a reasonable figure but I dont think it is.
You will notice that on the best side of production spec engines, the big guns often cough at anywhere between 100-105nm per litre of displacement.
Fisrtly I make reference to the Australian V8 Supercar series. I've heard (and it appears to be about right) that the 5 Litre NA V8's used in the series produce around 430-440 lb-fts of torque, which equates to around 580nm, boiling down to around 115nm per litre. Pretty racey stuff.
The second reference I make is to the 1998 Mecredes Benz CLK GTR car which runs a massive 6.9 Litre V12 and Produces around 770nm of torque which rounds down to an easy 111nm per litre of torque.
Now I cant seem to find much info about the subject but from my quick browsings, the 3.6Litre FZR shouldnt be producing anymore then 440nm (120nm/litre x3.65Litre displacement). 500 odd nm seems definately out of the question, thus making the FZR too quick a car. As for the FXR and XRR, well they are turbo so no argument can stand without knowing the boost pressure.
Scawen, was your aim to model the FZR's engine as if it was supercharged? If its just a "tie over" until superchargers are introduced then ok, otherwise I think it needs some rectification. We really needs that supercharger for next patch
Having looked at all the figures for the GTR class cars, the FZR stands out to be the quickest, and for good reason, I think it should be.
However, Gazing over the engine specs turned up a perculiarity that i just cant ignore anymore.
The 3.6 Litre produces in excess of 500nm of torque. I believe that this is an unrealistic figure. Now I cant seem to find much information about the subject so I'm not sure if this is a reasonable figure but I dont think it is.
You will notice that on the best side of production spec engines, the big guns often cough at anywhere between 100-105nm per litre of displacement.
Fisrtly I make reference to the Australian V8 Supercar series. I've heard (and it appears to be about right) that the 5 Litre NA V8's used in the series produce around 430-440 lb-fts of torque, which equates to around 580nm, boiling down to around 115nm per litre. Pretty racey stuff.
The second reference I make is to the 1998 Mecredes Benz CLK GTR car which runs a massive 6.9 Litre V12 and Produces around 770nm of torque which rounds down to an easy 111nm per litre of torque.
Now I cant seem to find much info about the subject but from my quick browsings, the 3.6Litre FZR shouldnt be producing anymore then 440nm (120nm/litre x3.65Litre displacement). 500 odd nm seems definately out of the question, thus making the FZR too quick a car. As for the FXR and XRR, well they are turbo so no argument can stand without knowing the boost pressure.
Scawen, was your aim to model the FZR's engine as if it was supercharged? If its just a "tie over" until superchargers are introduced then ok, otherwise I think it needs some rectification. We really needs that supercharger for next patch