The online racing simulator
NDR.Klub Racing - Autocross Summer 2012
The month of June has arrived. Like the month of March, it is a very special time in the year, so the racing takes a break. Last time it was filled by March Oval Madness "MOM". This time it is all about a non-mainstream dicipline of Live for Speed.

The Autocross Summer will run for five weeks with a weekly change of layouts and two overall classification in different classes:

Class R1: XFG, XRG
Class R2: RB4, XRT, FXO
Class R3: FZ5, RAC
Class R4: LX4, LX6
Class S1: XFR, UFR
Class S2: FOX, FBM
Class S3: MRT

You don't have to focus on one class, you may change cars and classes unlimitedly. To ensure the change of class does not overwrite your old time, this Autocross Summer will use the following name format.

Either XX Tag Nick or XX F.Surname with XX being the class as listed. Since it is Klub Racing it is up to you if you want to show your Real Name or drive under Nicknames. Driving without the Class leading your in-game name will result in the times not being counted.

The classifications will be called "maillot jaune" and "maillot vert". "Maillot jaune" is the sum of all fastest times of a driver in a class and will be awarded to the fastest driver within a class. "Maillot vert" will be awarded to the best overall driver using a point system based on the formula points = 100 x (starters + 0,5 – final position)/starters (NOTE: It will be rounded). These results, based on the class results, will be merged to the overall classification. If a driver is doing multiple classes only the highest amount of points will be taken into account for "maillot vert".

Week 1: 7th June 18:30UTC - 14th June 18:20UTC
Week 2: 14th June 18:30 UTC - 21st June 18:20 UTC
Week 3: 21st June 18:30 UTC - 28th June 18:20 UTC
Week 4: 28th June 18:30 UTC - 5th July 18:20 UTC
Week 5: 5th July 18:20 UTC - 12th July 18:20 UTC

The layouts will be uploaded once the official week it is featured has started. The time of the start of the autocross week and the track change will be synchronised with the caesium clock of the PTB Braunschweig using the following website: there is If you start your try before 18:20:00 UTC, it will count towards the classification.

To prevent a total loss of times due to a server failure. I will collect the standings every 24h. However, in case you whitness a server failure, please send me the mpr, sothat I can have more accurate standings.

Contact between two cars is prohibited. The car first on track has the right to drive the track first. If a faster car comes up, it is its driver's duty to do a safe overtake. You have unlimited tries, don't make you and others unhappy with one bad maneuver. In case you feel badly treated, you can protest other drivers by pm'ing me the replay and the details. Penalties can vary from penalty seconds up to exclusions. I recommand talking to each other first. Protests must be pm'd to me latestly 24 hours after the track change. So until each Friday 18:20 UTC. Until that moment, the results I post are provisional.

To ensure no random drivers appear who think it is a drift server or who don't know what is happening on the server it will carry the password "AutocrossSummer"
Attached files
AU1X_AXSummerW1.lyt - 4.3 KB - 417 views
SO4X_AXSummerW2.lyt - 5.9 KB - 466 views
BL1X_AXSummerW3.lyt - 5.4 KB - 410 views
#2 - ZyXEL
I look forward to this
Nice, count me in.
Well with six and three quater hours until the start, I give some more information about the procedure.

Protests must be pm'd to me latestly 24 hours after the track change. So until each Friday 18:20 UTC. Until that moment, the results I post are provisional.

The time of the start of the autocross week and the track change will be synchronised with the caesium clock of the PTB Braunschweig using the following website: there is If you start your try before 18:20:00 UTC, it will count towards the classification.

To prevent a total loss of times due to a server failure. I will collect the standings every 24h. However, in case you whitness a server failure, please send me the mpr, sothat I can have more accurate standings.
This is how I read it

Quote from TFalke55 :

השם עבר (דמות מקראית)עבר מופיע בתנ"ך כשמו של סבו אברהם אבינוהמושג "עברי" נזכר בתנ"ך פעמים רבות, אולם שפתם של העברים אינה נקראת עברית. כיום מכנים את שפת התנ"ך "לשוןהמקרא" (או "לשון הקודש") כדי להבדיל אותה מלשון חז"ל המכונה גם "לשון חכמים", שהיא בעצם ניב מאוחר של עברית. המונח כתב עברי מציין בלשונם של חז"ל דווקא את כתב ארמי הכתב הארמי על שם "עבר הנהר".

הקובץ המפורסם ביותר שנכתב בשפה העברית הוא התנ"ך, אם כי בו עצמו לא נזכר שמה של השפה. עם זאת ספר מלכים ב' יח, כו, וב ישעיהו לו, יא, מסופר כי שליחי חזקיהו המלך מבקשים מ רבשקה, שליחו שסנחריבמלך אשור , לדבר ע ארמית" ולא ב"יהודית", כדי שה ע שכנראה לא דיברארמית) לא יבין את דבריהם, ונראה שזה היה שמה של השפה, או לפחות שמו של ה ניב (סיווג שפה)ניב שדובר באזור ירושלים.

גוף רשמי המכתיב: XFG, XRG
רובם המכריע בישראל: RB4, XRT, FXO
מערכת: FZ5, RAC
ברוכים הבאים לוויקיפדיה: LX4, LX6
בתרגום מערבית-יהודית: XFR, UFR
היסטוריה של השפה העברית: FOX, FBM
מקור השם עברית: MRT

בעברית נכתבו רוב ספרי התנ"ך, כל המשנה, רוב הספרים החיצוניים ורוב המגילות הגנוזות. המקרא נכתב בעברית מקראית, ואילו המשנה נכתבה בניב הקרוי לשון חז"ל. בתקופה מסוימת בימי בית שני או קצת לאחריו (החוקרים חלוקים בשאלה זו) פסקו רוב היהודים מלהשתמש בעברית כבשפת דיבור. מאות שנים לאחר בית שני כאשר חדלו היהודים להשתמש בעברית כבר תלמוד תלמודים ב ארמית . עם זאת ישנן עדויות שאף ב מאה ה-8 לספירה שפת הדיבור בטבריה שם פעלו בעלי המסורה הייתה עברית.

גם כשהשפה העברית לא שימשה שפת דיבור, עדיין שימשה לאורך הדורות, במה שמכונה תקופת הביניים של העברית, כשפת ה העיקרית של היהודים, בעיקר בעניינים הלכתיים: כתיבת פרוטוקול (מנהל פרוטוקולים של בית דין (הלכה)בתי דין, קובצי הלכות, פרשנות לכתבי קודש ועוד. גם כתיבת מכתבים וחוזה חוזים בין גברים יהודים נעשתה לעתים קרובות בעברית. ספרות הלכתית לנשים ב קהילות אשכנזיות נכתבה ביידיש (למשל ספר ההלכות "צאינה וראינה"), כיוון שה אישה, בניגוד ל גברים, לא למדו עברית. חיבורים יהודיים בעלי אופי חילוני או לא-הלכתי נכתבו ב שפות יהודיות או בשפות זרות, לדוגמההרמב" כתב את ספרו "משנה תורה" בעברית, על אף שספרו הפילוסופי המפורסם "מורה נבוכים" שיועד למשכילי זמנו נכתב בערבית יהודית. עם זאת, "מורה נבוכים", כמו ספרים אחרים בנושאים חילוניים, תורגמו לעברית כשהיה בהם עניין לקהילות יהודיות דוברות שפות אחרות. אחת המשפחות היהודיות המפורסמות שעסקו בתרגומערבית-יהודית לעברית בימי הביניים היא משפחת אבן תיבון.

Week 1: 7th June 18:30UTC - 14th June 18:20UTC
Week 2: 14th June 18:30 UTC - 21st June 18:20 UTC
Week 3: 21st June 18:30 UTC - 28th June 18:20 UTC
Week 4: 28th June 18:30 UTC - 5th July 18:20 UTC
Week 5: 5th July 18:20 UTC - 12th July 18:20 UTC

עד המאה ה-19, ראשית ימי התנועה הציונית, שימשה העברית כשפת כתב בעיקר למטרות דתיות, אבל גם למטרות שונות ומגוונות: פילוסופיה, מדע, רפואה וספרות. מעמדה בקרב היהודים היה דומה למעמדה של השפה ה לטינית בקרב ה נוצרים ב מערב אירופה. השפה העברית נכנסה לתנופה מודרנית החל ב[[תנועת ההשכלה היהודית ב גרמניה וב מזרח אירופה מסוף המאה ה-18. לאורך כל המאה ה-19 הלך השימוש החילוני בה וגבר. בד בבד עם תנועת התחייה ה לאומית החלה גם פעילות להפיכת העברית ללשון הדיבור של היישוב העברי בארץ-ישראל. אליעזר בן יהודה, המכונה "מחיה השפה העברית" היה בין הלוחמים למען הפיכת השפה העברית לשפה מדוברת, ושפתו לאומית של היישוב העברי בארץ. במקביל התפתחה עברית מדוברת גם במרכזים אחדים של יהודים ב מזרח אירופה. המעבר לדיבור בעברית ביישוב העברי בארץ היה מהיר יחסית, וניכרה בו דווקא השפעת הדיבור העברי של מזרח אירופה. עם הקמת שלטון המנדט הבריטי בארץ היא נקבעה כשפה רשמית שלישית לצד הערבית והאנגלית. ערב הקמת מדינת ישראל היא כבר הייתה לשפה העיקרית של היישוב העברי, ושפת הלימוד במרכזי החינוך שלו.

כיום יש כ-6 מיליון דוברי עברית ישראלית, רובם המכריע בישראל. כמחציתם דוברים ילידיים (כלומר, עברית היא שפת-אמם) וכמחציתם משתמשים בעברית כשפה שנייה. עברית היא כיום שפה רשמית|השפה הרשמית והעיקרית של מדינת ישראל, אם כי בנוסף לה יש מעמד רשמי גם לשפה הערבית וכן נעשה שימוש נרחב באנגלית, ברוסית ובשפות נוספות. בעקבות המסורת האירופית, שמקורה בהקמת האקדמיה הצרפתית, קיים גם בישראל גוף רשמי המכתיב תקנים של השפה: האקדמיה ללשון העברית. מוסד זה פועל מכוח חוק, אף על פי שהשפעתו בפועל מוגבלת. מוסד זה עוסק בעיקר בקביעת מונחים חדשים, כללי כתיב וכללי תחביר, המחייבים להלכה את מוסדות המדינה ואת מערכת החינוך הממלכתית. בפועל, חלק גדול מהחלטותיו אינו מתקיים. התפתחות המילונאות השימושית בישראל בשנות ה-90, יצרה מספר מילונים ומאגרי מידע המתעדים את הלשון העברית בפועל, ומשמשים אסמכתאות חלופיות לכללי האקדמיה ללשון העברית. השפה העברית היא גםשפה השמית השלישית המדוברת ביותר (אחרי ערבית ואמהרית).

Btw: server online with a test layout
#9 - J@tko
Quote from hyntty :The name was (Biblical figure) has listed the Bible as the name of his grandfather Abraham Avinohmosg "sides" mentioned in the Bible many times, but the language of the Hebrews is called Hebrew. Now call the language of the Bible "Lsonamkra" (or "holy tongue") to distinguish it from the language of the Sages also called "smart words", which is actually a later dialect of Hebrew. The term Hebrew script specifies the language of the Sages actually the Aramaic script Aramaic script in the name of "the river". most famous file written in Hebrew, is the Bible, though in itself not remember the name of the language. With this book of Kings, pcs, Ko, and in Isaiah it, ya, we are told that King Hezekiah ask emissaries from Rabshakeh, the Assyrian Ssnhribmllach envoy, speaking Aramaic with "not Jewish", so that by probably not Dibrarmit) will not understand the words , and it seems it was the name of the language, or at least the name of the dialect (Classification Language) dialect speaker in the Jerusalem area. official body that dictates: XFG, XRG majority in Israel: RB4, XRT, FXO system: FZ5, RAC Welcome to Wikipedia: LX4, LX6 Arabic translation - Jewish: XFR, UFR history of the Hebrew language: FOX, FBM The name Hebrew: MRT most books written in Hebrew Bible, all the sub, most of the Apocrypha and the Dead Sea Scrolls majority. The Bible was written in Biblical Hebrew, while the sub was written called Mishnaic dialect. At one point during a two or a little after (researchers are divided on this question) ceased most of Hebrew Cbsft Jews from using speech. Hundred years after the Second Temple when the Jews ceased to use Hebrew Talmuds Talmud already in Aramaic. However there is evidence that in the 8th century AD Tiberius language Masoretes worked there was Hebrew. When the Hebrew language was not a language, still used throughout the ages, in what is called the interim period of the Hebrew, the main language of the Jews, especially in matters religious: Writing protocol (Director of the minutes of Beit Din (religious law) courts, files Laws, Religious text interpretation and more. also writing letters and contract contracts between C bars Jews is done the often in Hebrew. halachic literature for women in communities of Ashkenazi was written in Yiddish ( for example school laws "Tzena Tzena"), because the woman, in contrast to men, not learned Hebrew. Jewish works with secular type or not - I started in Jewish languages ​​or foreign languages, Ldogmhharmb "wrote the book" Mishneh Torah "in Hebrew, the Although philosophical literature published "Guide for the Perplexed" designated educated contemporary written Arabic. with it, "Guide for the Perplexed", like other books on secular, was translated to Hebrew in Jewish affairs, who spoke other languages. one of the families of the famous who Btrgomarbit - Jewish Hebrew in Middle is the Ibn Tibbon. Week 1: 7th June 18:30 UTC - 18:20 UTC 14th June Week 2: 14th June 18:30 UTC - 21st June 18:20 UTC Week three: 21st June 18:30 UTC - 28th June 18: 20 UTC Week 4: 28th June 18:30 UTC - 5th July 18:20 UTC Week 5: 5th July 18:20 UTC - 18:20 UTC July 12th until the 19th century, the inception of the Zionist movement, was written mainly in Hebrew language for religious purposes, but also for different and varied: philosophy, science, medicine and literature. position among the Jews was similar to the status of the language of Latin among the Christians in Western Europe. Hebrew language into modern leverage from the [[Jewish Enlightenment in Germany and Eastern Europe late 18th century. throughout the 19th century, the secular used and man. in tandem with the national revival movement also began transforming activity of the colloquial language Hebrew Yishuv - Israel. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, known as "living Hebrew language" was Among the fighters fought to establish the Hebrew language into a spoken language, and language of national Yishuv. also spoken Hebrew developed in several Jewish centers in Eastern Europe. transition to speech in Hebrew Yishuv was relatively fast, and showed it actually impact Hebrew speech of Eastern Europe. with establishment of the British Mandate was established as an official third alongside Arabic and English. eve of Israeli independence she was the main language of the Jewish community, and language learning centers in his education. currently has approximately 6 million speakers of Israeli Hebrew, the vast majority in Israel. half of them speak indigenous (ie, Hebrew is the language - the mother) and half of them use Hebrew as a second language. Hebrew is now the official language | the official language and principal of the State of Israel, although in addition it has official status in the Arabic language and is widely used in English, Russian and other languages. Following the tradition European, from the establishment of the French Academy, is also an official dictates standards of language: Hebrew Language Academy. institution that operates under the Law, even though its effect limited practice. institution that deals mainly with determining the new terms, general spelling and syntax rules, which require a theoretical State agencies and the public school system. practice, much of his decisions does not exist. development of lexicography useful in the '90s, has created a number of dictionaries and databases that document the Hebrew language practice, and serve as references to alternative rules of the Hebrew Language Academy. Hebrew is Gmsfh Semitic Third spoken most (after Arabic and Amharic).

Class leaders after 3 hours

S3: NDR.JO53PHS - 1:43.87
S2: No Time
S1: C.Lenard - 1:38.18
R4: FLAMMEN - 1:47.96
R3: P.Rozenbajger - 1:49.11
R2: C.Lenard - 1:49.90
R1: C.Lenard - 1:55.30
Class leaders after 24 hours

S3: WW P.Diaz (MRT) 1:35.43
S2: R.v.Buren (FOX) 1:27.50
S1: R.v.Buren (UFR) 1:32.91
R4: C.Lenard (LX4) 1:45.35
R3: C.Lenard (FZ5) 1:49.03
R2: C.Lenard (FXO) 1:46.29
R1: C.Lenard (XFG) 1:52.60
#14 - troy
You should really think about not allowing custom view, I remember the official LFS autocross competition and there it was disallowed too for fairness sake.
Quote from troy :You should really think about not allowing custom view, I remember the official LFS autocross competition and there it was disallowed too for fairness sake.

I wanted to suggest the same thing. It's not fair if some drivers use custom view.

Also, I made a few runs with XFG yesterday, but now my time is gone. I think this is because there are 32 or more results that are better than mine. Will my XFG time still count?
I will run all days worths of mpr into the tracker so an accurate result can be generated. Week 1 will use tracker, Week 2 onwards will use an Airio I'll set up exclusively for this.
Quote from dekojester :I will run all days worths of mpr into the tracker so an accurate result can be generated. Week 1 will use tracker, Week 2 onwards will use an Airio I'll set up exclusively for this.

Thanks... I was a bit worried.
Quote from kitu_gudu :Also, I made a few runs with XFG yesterday, but now my time is gone. I think this is because there are 32 or more results that are better than mine. Will my XFG time still count?

I think you can show more results by pressing PageDown key.
I found out about this yesterday, but there are only 32 positions and my XFG time is slower than the last position.
Quote from TFalke55 :To ensure the change of class does not overwrite your old time, this Autocross Summer will use the following name format.

Either XX Tag Nick or XX F.Surname with XX being the class as listed. Since it is Klub Racing it is up to you if you want to show your Real Name or drive under Nicknames. Driving without the Class leading your in-game name will result in the times not being counted.

Due to the time keeping being changed to Airio, the rule will be lifted for the remaining weeks from tonight 18:30 UTC.

The results of Week 1 will be posted this weekend.
Week 2 is up and running with Airio.
Quote from TFalke55 :Week 2 is up and running with Airio.

Are you sure, cant seem to find the server

Edit: my bad its a SO4 layout

Edit2: Its a shame, the track doesn't feel real. its to close. its only the MRT or FOX that can do a decent time. after 3 noted times and about 15 runs i stopped. just because i think this is not Autocross, its trying to learn a long track with some way to close corners. Lock to lock and you cant make it...

To me Autocross it about a 1min 30 sec ish track that you do over and over again to create car "Skills" not drive it 50 times to learn the track... Im sorry its not my fav layout
Quote from hotmail :Are you sure, cant seem to find the server

Edit: my bad its a SO4 layout good stuff!

Always expect the unexpected

Quote from troy :You should really think about not allowing custom view, I remember the official LFS autocross competition and there it was disallowed too for fairness sake.

Sorry that I forgot to answer you. Well you're right, however I don't want to do such a competition under different sets of rules. Therefore I won't introduce it for this one but I'll keep it in mind for the next autocross event.
Quote from TFalke55 :Due to the time keeping being changed to Airio, the rule will be lifted for the remaining weeks from tonight 18:30 UTC.

The results of Week 1 will be posted this weekend.

Where are the results kurwa?
Quote from diNOSaur :Where are the results kurwa?

You dont know NDR? if they say "week", it means "month"