The online racing simulator
Black screen
(8 posts, started )
Black screen
I'm currently having weird issue in my LFS. When I start it up, I only see black. I can hear the music and I can press buttons, even though I can't see them. When I press Shift + F4 to make it into smaller window, it's still black. Any help?


Also before the issue, I modified the screen options to make the quality better.
Your monitor can't handle the resolution.

-Hook a different Display that can handle the resolution and change it back.
-Find a Config file (CFG) where your resolution is saved.
Then change it there to 800X600 or something in the same format already there.
-Reinstall LFS (if you can't edit the option in any CFG file)
-Shift + F9/F10/F11/F12 changes resolution from any screen.
Unless you assigned something else to this.
Shift + F9 being 640 x 480 x 16, which any screen can handle..
The problem has been solved out. I did only few clicks around the screen and then the game showed up again.
(Double post, Sorry)

It keeps happening. Every time when I start it up, the game is black.. it changes normal when I've click right spot or something... It's just annoying.
Try opening your cfg.txt with notepad and find the line "Screen Info", then change the resolution to something like 1440 900 or whatever your monitor can handle.
e.g.: Screen Info 0 60 1440 900

If it still doesn't work I would suggest to erase your cfg.txt file and restart LFS but this would alter several changes you made in game so a backup of this file would be wise before proceeding just in case you want to remember some settings, such as port numbers.

Good luck
Okay, it's now FINALLY solved. The problem was in full-scene Antialiasing. When I change it to 4x, it does that black screen thingy. And when I change it to 0, it works normally.
Glad to know your problem is solved. However if you still want 4x of anti-aliasing (it's not a luxury after all!), you could try making a LFS profile in your graphic control panel to see if this work.
Quote from Jonzu95 :Okay, it's now FINALLY solved. The problem was in full-scene Antialiasing. When I change it to 4x, it does that black screen thingy. And when I change it to 0, it works normally.

Config in your video card control panel to "Application controlled" the AA and the AF

Black screen
(8 posts, started )