Its in danish, but you can read it on english here. And follow the link and you can see how this young man looks like, enjoy.. ... w&id=72&Itemid=10
Hello BBO and welcome to this little interview.
Hi Ho
Your online name is BBO@BSR, what’s your real name?
My real is Bernd Weingart.
Ok, here is the second question and probably the easiest, when was you born and where, and where are you living now?
I was born in February of 1969 in Wolfenbüttel a small town in Lower Saxony in Germany. Now I’m living in Halberstadt, a small city in Eastern Germany.
What are you doing when not in front of your PC? In other words, do you have a real life?
Hmm. Not in front of the PC? LOL - I’m a management assistant in informatics so I spend most of my time in front of usually 2 PCs ;-)
I dont think I had a real life since I fall in love with LFS.
What did you wanted to be when you were a little boy?
I think it was astronaut when I was very young and then I always wanted to do something that has to do with technology and future. Keyboarder was also in my list and after touching a computer for the first time it had to be something with computers.
What do you listen to on your CD?
Usually I listen to stuff from the eighties. From “Adam Ant” to “Siouxsie and the Banshees” but I also like newer things like “Apoptygma Berzerk” or “The Veronicas”.
What are you reading?
I usually only read trade journals but at the moment I read a book written by Jan Weiler that I got from an Italian girlfriend. It’s about a German guy who marries an Italian girl (and of course her family). The book is really funny. Think there is no English version but the title is called “Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht” (Maria, it doesn’t taste him).
Your favourite movie?
That’s a hard question foe me because I’m a real big movie fan.
Movies I can see again and again are i.e. “Dune” by David Lynch or “The Fifth Element” or “The Postman” or “Demolition Man”…
The Matrix and Blade trilogy is also not bad and of course most of the Star Trek series. But I also like black and white movies from the 40ties like the “Mr. Moto” movies with Peter Lorre. And many more Do you have anything to do with real motorracing?
No not really I’m just a fan. Who is your motorsport hero?
I always liked the former F1 pilot Heinz-Harald Frenzen.
Frenzen is now in the DTM and I’m glad that he found a new team there together with Tom Kristensen who is also a great guy. They both have a great attitude. That counts more for me then winning titles.
Who is the tuffest guy in the world and why?
I never thought about something like that but I think Alessandro Zanardi is a hell of a guy, he is still driving after loosing both legs in a crash at the Lausitzring and he won 2 years later a race in the WTCC.
How long have you been in LFS?
Since autumn 2003
How did you find LFS?
I lived for 3 years in a town where no DSL was available and so I searched for a game with a good net code to play online. A colleague then said have you ever tried LFS. I tried it and first I hated it. After a few months and a few versions later I tried it again and then I found out that you also need a good setup to drive the cars fast and stable. I meet some of the top drivers at this time like MacEST and other fast guys and they gave me setups and then I loved LFS and its community.
Do you remember your first on-line race?
It was with Need for Speed Hot Pursuit or was it called High Stakes. I can’t remember. But Electronic Arts launched a website for that game where the top 100 players from all over the world where ranked. I liked that concept and I was really happy when I reached the 6th place there after a few months and could stay in the top 10 for a while. Damn that was completely arcade driving but it was fun at this time.
Ok that was your first on-line race, but do you remember your first LFS on-line race?
Well not exactly I must have forgotten it in the last 54.000 km of driving LFS lol. It was a demo race of course.
But one thing I remember very well was one of my first League races, where I (as a total newbie) was accidentally placed into the top pool together with guys like RudiTurbo, MacEST and some other multi-S1-world-record holders. I had a real horror driving with them and to do something wrong. But all went very well and I didn’t finished last. After that I noticed that these guys are no aliens and they just drive with fuel like me and also make mistakes, sometimes ;-)
You supported and participated in Danish Racing Cup, what do you think about the Danish drivers in there?
I made some really great experiences there with all the Danish drivers. I don’t want to name someone special because I had real nice fights with so many of the Danes and it was always clean and fair. For me it was the best racing series I’ve ever driven and I really had fun helping it and give something back with my website.
What are you drinking when you are driving LFS?
When driving just for fun then sometimes I have some light red wine next to the wheel but when I drive in a Cup then I usually drink some multi-vitamin juice when I got some time on the straights
Tell us a little bit of your LFS history.
I worked since Feb. 2005 for my Team Triple7Racing as Website News writer and was also one of the leading Admins who started the CRC again when the S2 Alpha demo was released ... As a driver I reached the OLFSL Pro finals in 2004, T7R internal Championship 4th, 2nd Season of Thursday Night Racing League 4th, OLFSL – S2 First Encounter 5th, Danish GTI Cup 2nd, Danish Racing Cup 2nd, T7R internal Championship II 3rd. And a real funny thing was to drive in the SDRA Super invitational Race together with one of the LFS Devs (Victor) and I lapped him and finished 4th there. Hehe ;-)
What would you like to see be released in LFS, hopefully before Christmas?
I hope we’ll see S2 full at the end of the year. I would like to see more improvements that bring more strategy into longer races: Like changing every single tyre or not or an option to repair your car or not. Or the option to drive races after minutes (like 30 or 45) and not only hours. But I’m open for all and I think the Devs will surprise us again like they did every time before.
What’s your favourite track/car combination in LFS?
Now we have 856 (I think) different car/track combos. I haven’t driven them all so I let you know when I finished them all ;-) but it won’t be a rally track that’s for sure.
Do you play other “games” than LFS?
I like games like Freelancer, Wing Commander Prophecy and Dungeon Siege. When I got time I also like to play some simple “flight and fire” games like Longbow or Jet Storm or things like that. But since I got LFS I haven’t played many other games to be honest.
Only a few questions left, but tell me a little bit about your team?
Triple7Racing ( T7R| ) is an international racing Team who only invites new drivers. I’m proud to be part of that Team and glad that I helped to build it up. We are 19 drivers right now and our Team is limited to 21 (7+7+7). The Team was founded on the 30th July of 2004 so we are close to celebrate our 2nd birthday. We work on some bigger things right now but I can’t tell you more at the moment.
Now the last question, how many hours do you spend with LFS per week?
In 2004 and 2005 it was around 2 or 3 hours a day, not all with driving but often with writing news and other work for LFS.
Now I try to cut down the other things a bit and I try to focus again more on the racing itself.
Thx Bernd, for joining this little speciel interview and we wish you good luck in the future
No problem. I wish you all the best and a lot of visitors at and I hope there will be lots of new clean and fair Danish LFS drivers in the future. LFS is just the best car sim game ever, try it if you haven’t!

Hello BBO and welcome to this little interview.
Hi Ho
Your online name is BBO@BSR, what’s your real name?
My real is Bernd Weingart.
Ok, here is the second question and probably the easiest, when was you born and where, and where are you living now?
I was born in February of 1969 in Wolfenbüttel a small town in Lower Saxony in Germany. Now I’m living in Halberstadt, a small city in Eastern Germany.
What are you doing when not in front of your PC? In other words, do you have a real life?
Hmm. Not in front of the PC? LOL - I’m a management assistant in informatics so I spend most of my time in front of usually 2 PCs ;-)
I dont think I had a real life since I fall in love with LFS.
What did you wanted to be when you were a little boy?
I think it was astronaut when I was very young and then I always wanted to do something that has to do with technology and future. Keyboarder was also in my list and after touching a computer for the first time it had to be something with computers.
What do you listen to on your CD?
Usually I listen to stuff from the eighties. From “Adam Ant” to “Siouxsie and the Banshees” but I also like newer things like “Apoptygma Berzerk” or “The Veronicas”.
What are you reading?
I usually only read trade journals but at the moment I read a book written by Jan Weiler that I got from an Italian girlfriend. It’s about a German guy who marries an Italian girl (and of course her family). The book is really funny. Think there is no English version but the title is called “Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht” (Maria, it doesn’t taste him).
Your favourite movie?
That’s a hard question foe me because I’m a real big movie fan.
Movies I can see again and again are i.e. “Dune” by David Lynch or “The Fifth Element” or “The Postman” or “Demolition Man”…
The Matrix and Blade trilogy is also not bad and of course most of the Star Trek series. But I also like black and white movies from the 40ties like the “Mr. Moto” movies with Peter Lorre. And many more Do you have anything to do with real motorracing?
No not really I’m just a fan. Who is your motorsport hero?
I always liked the former F1 pilot Heinz-Harald Frenzen.
Frenzen is now in the DTM and I’m glad that he found a new team there together with Tom Kristensen who is also a great guy. They both have a great attitude. That counts more for me then winning titles.
Who is the tuffest guy in the world and why?
I never thought about something like that but I think Alessandro Zanardi is a hell of a guy, he is still driving after loosing both legs in a crash at the Lausitzring and he won 2 years later a race in the WTCC.
How long have you been in LFS?
Since autumn 2003
How did you find LFS?
I lived for 3 years in a town where no DSL was available and so I searched for a game with a good net code to play online. A colleague then said have you ever tried LFS. I tried it and first I hated it. After a few months and a few versions later I tried it again and then I found out that you also need a good setup to drive the cars fast and stable. I meet some of the top drivers at this time like MacEST and other fast guys and they gave me setups and then I loved LFS and its community.
Do you remember your first on-line race?
It was with Need for Speed Hot Pursuit or was it called High Stakes. I can’t remember. But Electronic Arts launched a website for that game where the top 100 players from all over the world where ranked. I liked that concept and I was really happy when I reached the 6th place there after a few months and could stay in the top 10 for a while. Damn that was completely arcade driving but it was fun at this time.
Ok that was your first on-line race, but do you remember your first LFS on-line race?
Well not exactly I must have forgotten it in the last 54.000 km of driving LFS lol. It was a demo race of course.
But one thing I remember very well was one of my first League races, where I (as a total newbie) was accidentally placed into the top pool together with guys like RudiTurbo, MacEST and some other multi-S1-world-record holders. I had a real horror driving with them and to do something wrong. But all went very well and I didn’t finished last. After that I noticed that these guys are no aliens and they just drive with fuel like me and also make mistakes, sometimes ;-)
You supported and participated in Danish Racing Cup, what do you think about the Danish drivers in there?
I made some really great experiences there with all the Danish drivers. I don’t want to name someone special because I had real nice fights with so many of the Danes and it was always clean and fair. For me it was the best racing series I’ve ever driven and I really had fun helping it and give something back with my website.
What are you drinking when you are driving LFS?
When driving just for fun then sometimes I have some light red wine next to the wheel but when I drive in a Cup then I usually drink some multi-vitamin juice when I got some time on the straights

Tell us a little bit of your LFS history.
I worked since Feb. 2005 for my Team Triple7Racing as Website News writer and was also one of the leading Admins who started the CRC again when the S2 Alpha demo was released ... As a driver I reached the OLFSL Pro finals in 2004, T7R internal Championship 4th, 2nd Season of Thursday Night Racing League 4th, OLFSL – S2 First Encounter 5th, Danish GTI Cup 2nd, Danish Racing Cup 2nd, T7R internal Championship II 3rd. And a real funny thing was to drive in the SDRA Super invitational Race together with one of the LFS Devs (Victor) and I lapped him and finished 4th there. Hehe ;-)
What would you like to see be released in LFS, hopefully before Christmas?
I hope we’ll see S2 full at the end of the year. I would like to see more improvements that bring more strategy into longer races: Like changing every single tyre or not or an option to repair your car or not. Or the option to drive races after minutes (like 30 or 45) and not only hours. But I’m open for all and I think the Devs will surprise us again like they did every time before.
What’s your favourite track/car combination in LFS?
Now we have 856 (I think) different car/track combos. I haven’t driven them all so I let you know when I finished them all ;-) but it won’t be a rally track that’s for sure.
Do you play other “games” than LFS?
I like games like Freelancer, Wing Commander Prophecy and Dungeon Siege. When I got time I also like to play some simple “flight and fire” games like Longbow or Jet Storm or things like that. But since I got LFS I haven’t played many other games to be honest.
Only a few questions left, but tell me a little bit about your team?
Triple7Racing ( T7R| ) is an international racing Team who only invites new drivers. I’m proud to be part of that Team and glad that I helped to build it up. We are 19 drivers right now and our Team is limited to 21 (7+7+7). The Team was founded on the 30th July of 2004 so we are close to celebrate our 2nd birthday. We work on some bigger things right now but I can’t tell you more at the moment.
Now the last question, how many hours do you spend with LFS per week?
In 2004 and 2005 it was around 2 or 3 hours a day, not all with driving but often with writing news and other work for LFS.
Now I try to cut down the other things a bit and I try to focus again more on the racing itself.
Thx Bernd, for joining this little speciel interview and we wish you good luck in the future
No problem. I wish you all the best and a lot of visitors at and I hope there will be lots of new clean and fair Danish LFS drivers in the future. LFS is just the best car sim game ever, try it if you haven’t!