The online racing simulator
Welcome to all the new members. If you are a demo driver, come check out the Motion Motorsports demo server. It's running the most current version of Airio and has a growing population that races on it.
I've been looking forward to playing LFS for quite a long time but have been unable for one reason or another. Now, finally, I have a FFB wheel and a computer that will run the game at 100fps. I'm happy! All I need now are some racing skills.

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you as well Hilljack. I see that you are from the US. I am from Ohio. My preference is FBM on Blackwood GP. There are several good demo servers for this racing style.

Hope to see you at the track soon. Wheldon 77
from ohio,columbus.. a good day to everyone.. i am wil.
Hi -- just joined up and looking forward to a bit of good online racing. TV News Producer by trade, but love racing sims and motorsport. Love the feel of the way the cars drive here. Looking forward to exploring LFS more (particularly driver swaps )

im new, i like lfs haha

Did you go through a 5 year hole in time or something? :P Big welcome to both of you, hope your both really slow so I have some competition for last place
I didn't even know Live for speed had a forum.
Are You sure?
Quote from jordyb :Yeah, I'm sure..

How did you do that weird blue writing with the Underline?

That's called a link and it is a widely spread element over the Internet.
Quote from Flame CZE :That's called a link and it is a widely spread element over the Internet.

Oh right, I understand!

I did click on the 'link' Mr Typeracing and i don't think that is me.
Hello I am from argentina, I loved LFS since the first time I saw it, I love the simulation style and the real filling I get. Like every body here I would be very happy that the staff could finish LFS 100%. Now is pretty awsome but I want more.

Now I have DEMO license because every time I connect to a server I lost conection and kick me out, and until I fix this I will wait to buy the S1 or S2 license.

I hope the community keep growing

Greatings from Argentina
Been here for about 2 months I think
Its great fun & im really enjoying it on LFS.
Im more into the drifting side of things lol so I bought a g27 just for LFS lol
Hi, i am new

I played LFS for some time, but didn't introduce myself yet.
I like to play race games in general, I began playing race games at a pc then to xbox 360 and now after a while, back to pc and need to be taught how to play pc games again in some way. So in a short way I'm some kind of noob .
I'm from the Netherlands and like to drift altough that's also something I want to learn, (I only can do some small drifts and some slides).
I'm looking forward to see you all on the tracks (mostly drifting BTW )
My old Demo license got banned from the forum before I upgraded to S2, so I'm starting again with a new license wich I'll probably upgrade later.


I am Mastahx ig :P
Hello everyone

My name is Connor Nixon and i have just got LFS today Currently downloading the game so i thought id come to the forums and look around. Cant wait to see the racing if it is competative or not.

Hi there welcome to LFS!

If you are having trouble with setting up / getting started - have a look around the forums - most of the stuff have been answered couple of times over

If you can't find whatever that you are looking for - just make a post and someone is bound to help you out.

Happy racing! Mind the first turn!
Thanks for the welcome

I read up on the website and forum before hand just so i dont get stuck and ive done some laps offline and it felt good ive raced other sim's such as rFactor, so i have some knowledge from that, but this seems like a tighter, more friendly community.

Hope to see some good racing action

(hopefully s2 by the end of the year)
Hi my name is Ryan, I'm 21 from UK "whoooooh" okay just me lol.

Iv only got the demo version of LFS but I'm absolutly loving it!! Iv changed my textures ect partly because I was a noob and didnt see I could adjust resolution lol however my game looks great with new trees signs and everything.

The game itself I'd love to be able to play in a modified car such as a golfGTI not a car that is adjusted to handle better or faster I just like the look and ofc you can't have the look and play online the way you want to see it shame cos I'd love to.

I'm compleatly lost how people can be so fast I mean I have same car yet they lap me almost maybe it's my g27 wheel lol :/

Anyway popped on here to say hello and I look forward to playing my demo version! Is s2/s1 worth the money or does everyone play demo?

Quote from Silverracer :Hi there welcome to LFS!

If you are having trouble with setting up / getting started - have a look around the forums - most of the stuff have been answered couple of times over

If you can't find whatever that you are looking for - just make a post and someone is bound to help you out.

Happy racing! Mind the first turn!

You didn't get his trolling right.
Its one TRR's member demo account
hello everyone! ^ ^

I'm not really new to lfs but I have since bought the s2, so I came here to make a hello ^ ^

Good race!

and sorry for my bad english ;o .

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )