Watch out, we are dealing with a bunch of badasses here!
Let me come to your house and shoot your pet, and lets see how you feel to be treated this way.
And stop whining about S3, if it comes, it comes. Just leave it.
Why would I want to shoot your hamster? I'd gladly sacrifice a few of my chickens to whatever gods give the best offer for getting S3 quicker though, especially that bastard cockerel that keeps waking me up every morning. Might need to do it with a sharpened wiper arm or something, can post them to Cheerio for proof after though.
If I find out you touched a single animal I will hunt you down and make your keyboard sticky.
And this is coming from a member of PETA so you know I am serious.
Watch out, we've got a 9Fagger amongst us. You might wanna shoot your hamster to put it out of it's misery. Lesson learned - don't get a fkin pet that lives for ~5 years.
Twitter and Zuckerbook is for posting useless shit that 90% of people don't care about. Besides, I for one, wouldn't let a 12 year old in my house.
Don't even mention Zucker. The spawn of idiots he has created has made it hell for enthusiats and IT guys.
If all you know about computers is facebook, then I hate you.
Sir, Estonian patriottt, sir. It feels like you came here to kinda get rid from your problems by posting a generally DUMB thread. I mean.. this would be a great reason enough why you shouldn't get one for being such an general ignorant.
I'm not hating or anything, but these new*ags are taking over LFS community by posting generally DUMB things.