The online racing simulator
Help My Baby Daughter!
(12 posts, started )
Help My Baby Daughter!
Hi Guys

Just wanted to share with you my cause Me and my wife set up to help our baby girl who has severe brain damage. "The Aimée Jade Project"

All info about what we're doing and Aimée's condition can be found
here and on facebook (the aimee jade project)

We have so far raised £1400!

I'll knock together some skins in support of the cause!
ANY Support/following is very much appreciated!

Gavin UK (Xendraven)
That's really heart wrenching to hear about your daughter, never the less I think its amazing you two are battling adversity and fighting for her! I would donate but I have no money, so will show my support by following on Facebook, something I urge the community here to do - it's a little but I'm sure it means a lot just having the support base. Really hope you get all the support you need and deserve, good luck and god bless.
your support means a lot to us! Thanks for taking the time to check out what we're doing!
#4 - PoVo
Liked on Facebook. Good luck with your project. It's real nice to see that you're dedicated to your daughter so much.
I'm not sure asking for support on a forum for a racing simulator is the best idea but good luck. Such a shame mate.
Thought I'd share here, I remember the LFS forums being full of nice peeps from way back when it started out thanks for checking us out though
This is as good place as any if you ask me. That said, I think the OP should also try posting this touching story to Reddit. If you would happen to get noticed there, I think it would really help your cause a lot. I thought about posting it over there myself, but you are better at telling everyone about your case than I am.
Never used Reddit before, now seems a good time to start! Thanks for the advice!
Quote from Gavin UK :Hi Guys

Just wanted to share with you my cause Me and my wife set up to help our baby girl who has severe brain damage.

So why's there a whole site about it?
Because its an actual cause we set up. Once we make 5000a we can register it as a charity to help other children with disability. Also its a hub for people that want to get involved and keep up to date with news and events etc
Ah, okay.

I read it as if you were collecting cash just for your daughter.
As a dad of a daughter myself my heart goes out to you.

This is a good place for the conversation, for all the bitching, many of us have been here for years and we're all an extended family.

All the best, it's a huge job your taking on, stay balanced, support each other, ensure you manage time out for each/both of you.

Love and support and I'll be following you all

Help My Baby Daughter!
(12 posts, started )