Earth axis
(30 posts, started )
#1 - halo
Earth axis

I would like to draw your attention to the Earth axis change.
You can observe this situation by checking the Sun rise while Sun on the horizon and calculate the angle. I found little more than 68 degree on June 21 (location: Ankara/Türkiye).

I search a little on the web and found below links verifying my point.
The change occurred on the axis will affected many things such as weather anomalies. You can further search on this subject if you wish.

Have a good day.
Get out your telescope, turn on your motorized mount. Does it still track correctly? If yes (it will), the earth's axis is still tilted at 23 degrees the same as it has been since it was first measured correctly.
23 + 68 = ~90, so Halo just measured the 'wrong' angle.
Hi lerts.
What made it move?

What made it stop moving?
shhhhhh the NWO, ask our kiwi friend about it :detective
I made it move. I also made it stop moving. Such is the power of a small Funny Bear.
#9 - halo
Quote from tristancliffe :23 + 68 = ~90, so Halo just measured the 'wrong' angle.

"I found little more than 68 degree on June 21"

That means "sum of shift & 23.5 degree" Tristan.
And when I compared my findings and actual one (mentioned on the web site, see the link) there is ~20 degree error. My measurement was only visual and vastly approximated.

Quoted from
"Based on the current position of the sun at the point where it rises and sets behind the horizon, the current angle indicates the original 23.5 degree axis tilt has increased to a 49.5 degree tilt angle (aprox)."
Attached images
OMG, the Earth is falling off the sky. Don't you think that if the Earth has leant so much we would walk also leanned?

Was that movement happend yesterday, or during the last month? Because I have the feeling that one would perceive some "small" variations such as being in winter when you should be in summer...
You measured the angle. The angle wasn't what you thought it was.

So we have two options:

1. You measured it wrong.
2. The entire earth has moved.

Well, I don't see how it could possibly be anything other than #2.
This is utter nonsense. If it would be real then everyone would notice it. It's just such a huge difference. If the axis was tilted 49.5 degrees then the Sun wouldn't set around here and I hate to break it to you but it still does.
Quote from halo :Hi,

I would like to draw your attention to the Earth axis change.
You can observe this situation by checking the Sun rise while Sun on the horizon and calculate the angle. I found little more than 68 degree on June 21 (location: Ankara/Türkiye).

I search a little on the web and found below links verifying my point.
The change occurred on the axis will affected many things such as weather anomalies. You can further search on this subject if you wish.

Have a good day.

Quote from Kalev EST :This is utter nonsense. If it would be real then everyone would notice it. It's just such a huge difference. If the axis was tilted 49.5 degrees then the Sun wouldn't set around here and I hate to break it to you but it still does.

Oh, so you're part of the conspiracy too?
This is the most incredulous load of crap I've ever read.

Everyone knows the earth is flat.
Quote from Rappa Z :This is the most incredulous load of crap I've ever read.

Everyone knows the earth is flat.

You are wrong. Earth is suitcase-shaped.

Sun seems to rise and set down in some stupid way right now, but it might have been like that all the time, and I didn't notice it.
It's most likely an elephant issue, I had heard that Tubal needed a stretch.

The axis still seems to be about 23.5 degrees, however the magnetic poles are certainly shifting and ( in geological time ) we seem to be due for another magnetic reversal.

There are a number of theories that suggest how this may happen, ranging from we notice nothing, apart from needing new compasses, through to the planet changing it's rotation 180 degrees.

There are a number of stories from prehistory that describe the sun remaining stationary for a number of days, but until it happens we won't know.

Hopefully this won't happen before S3 is released !
Quote from Racer X NZ :...Hopefully this won't happen before S3 is released !

Sorry mate, the sun will have blown up and collapsed to a white dwarf long before S3.


der butz
Quote from KiRmelius :You are wrong. Earth is suitcase-shaped.

Sun seems to rise and set down in some stupid way right now, but it might have been like that all the time, and I didn't notice it.

dont know if its because of summer.. but its never pitch black in the UK anymore.. it always feels about 9o'clock when its 2am :|
Quote from Racer X NZ :however the magnetic poles are certainly shifting and ( in geological time ) we seem to be due for another magnetic reversal.

Yes, definitely. Maps (good ones) have had little scales along the top for adjusting magnetic north depending on the year for centuries. It's definitely moving.

The best evidence for the repeated reversal of the magnetic field is in ocean trenches where the tectonic plates are moving apart; As the liquid rock spews up from under the sea-bed the iron in the rock is aligned into a north-south direction by the magnetic field. The rock then cools and locks this alignment into the rock. If you examine the sea-bed you find stripes where it's laid down north-south rock for a few hundred thousand years and then abruptly changed to south-north for the next few hundred thousand years and so on through the eons.

The period seems to average about 450,000 years of stability with a complete reversal taking only about 1000 years. Judging by how fast magnetic north is shifting and the time since the last reversal, it's possible we could be just beginning a reversal now.

Nobody really knows what effects it'll have - likely it may affect migrating animals like birds and fish which navigate using the magnetic field. The worst that could happen is it affects Earth's ability to deflect the solar wind meaning higher levels of cosmic radiation reaching the earth's surface.

Also, nobody really knows how it happens. It's certainly to do with how the solid iron core of the earth rotates relative to the crust but no-one has adequately explained how the shift takes only 1/500th of a phase.

One thing it certainly won't do though is suddenly tilt the entire earth by 180 degrees.
Quote from xtraction :dont know if its because of summer.. but its never pitch black in the UK anymore.. it always feels about 9o'clock when its 2am :|

That's because of the urban lighting. Although the more you are up north, the more likely you are to experience permanent dusk during summer (tho it should only happen if you're on latitudes higher than Aberdeen, for instance).
Quote from xtraction :dont know if its because of summer.. but its never pitch black in the UK anymore.. it always feels about 9o'clock when its 2am :|

2;59am, darkest i seen
Cus at 3 am he's got his eyes closed of course.

It's interesting to work out how far the poles are moving tho, the latest I've seen is 2005 and there seems to be a shortage of information from then on. Accepting that the rate of movement is exponential then we could be in for an interesting millennium.
#25 - halo

Earth axis
(30 posts, started )