The online racing simulator
LFS Crashing. On a GT440 Graphics card
Hello all,

I've been having issues with LFS. When i go onto lfs and start in a race the game freezes, Not too sure why. I have the latest version installed as i re-installed it. However still getting these issues.

The game worked fine on my old graphics card, however this failed. I went out and brought at brand new GT440 graphics card by Gforce however now i have the issues.


GT440 Gforce graphics card.
3500+ AMD processor
2x 4.00 GB Of ram
3x 800GB of hard drives

When it crashes.
I load up LFS as normal, now i've tried this in multi player and single player. I load the game, load the car and track, sit on the start line and all is fine. I then get to turn two or 3 of any track and it Freezes for about 1 minute and then allows me to carry on, but after the next few corners it then crashes, it does into a white screen.

Any Advice?
Drivers? Temperatures?
This may be the issue, AMD 2500 / 3500 athalons not the 64 bits, will crash running LFS under service pack 3

My fix was to dual boot into sp2 and run LFS like that.

I know this is odd but it was in the forums a few years back.

Sometimes technology makes very little sense !
Quote from frotto110 :Drivers? Temperatures?

Standard Drivers with the graphics card. And not too sure what the fan speed is.
Quote from Racer X NZ :This may be the issue, AMD 2500 / 3500 athalons not the 64 bits, will crash running LFS under service pack 3

My fix was to dual boot into sp2 and run LFS like that.

I know this is odd but it was in the forums a few years back.

Sometimes technology makes very little sense !

What do you mean by daul boot? It ran real smooth before the graphics card broken down. And it wasnt a new one it was 3years old. Very strange
Quote from badboy2 :Standard Drivers with the graphics card. And not too sure what the fan speed is.

Have you opened your PC and inspected ALL your fans for excessive dust buildup?

Dust Buildup is a killer. Will cause drivers to hang up, video card to burn up, lots of problems can stem from dust buildup. Check you CPU fan, GPU fan (if equipped), Power supply fans, case fans.
Quote from edge3147 :Have you opened your PC and inspected ALL your fans for excessive dust buildup?

Dust Buildup is a killer. Will cause drivers to hang up, video card to burn up, lots of problems can stem from dust buildup. Check you CPU fan, GPU fan (if equipped), Power supply fans, case fans.

cheers for the advice. But this is a brand new build mate. After the old graphics card let go i rebuilt it to run 3 screens. So its dust free. And has top of the range fans to keep it cool. Ive been on it and seam to beable to race again but sometimes i does crash
What Operating system are you running?
As Racer X NZ said there were technical issues with Windows XP service pack 3.
So he just boots into another Operating system, Windows XP SP2 in this case.

Although seeing your build and description, I don't think edge3147 was too far off with his dust build up.
You probably have some temperature issue on your CPU or GPU. If those get too hot, they drop capacity, but normally your pc would just reboot out of safety.

CPU temp can be seen in the BIOS at start up. Normally a BIOS takes 70% CPU usage, so you can get "pretty accurate" readings if you check after a crash.(not recommended to check like this though).

I'd advice you to install some software to log the temps of your devices.(ie. Everest)
In my experience, anything running over 85 degrees celcius MAY encounter performance issues, at 100 degrees celcius you WILL notice performance issues. Any hotter than that you risk burning down your whole computer. (Which is why they automatically switch off.)

PS: I've had CPU's which dropped all performance to 3% when over 65 degrees celcius, and there was no easy way to get around it. This was Intel though.
Okay i'm still having major issues with LFS crashing.

I've cleaned the whole system.

Heres some tests i've ran while gaming.

CPU usage between 49-62%
CPU: 56C
Ambient: 30C
Remote: 38C
Temp1: 42C
Core: 45C

Yet i do one lap of blackwood and it crashes. Goes into shutdown mode. Left screen goes white, right screen goes blue or yellow. I turned up the fan speed to make sure things dont over heat and that helps a-little more, but still crashes. Before i put the GT400 graphics card it worked fine, nothing wrong and no hint of crashing. This was a real old card, and this new one is brand new. I took the advice of downloading the drivers online. Still nothing.

Oh im running server pack 2
I use an AMD quad core Phenom 2 with the very same graphics card you have,
latest NV genuine drivers and maxed graphics settings in LFS, and have absolutely no problems at all under Win 7 32 bit operating system.
Previously I ran Win XP Pro at service pack 3 with no problems either.

Does the machine itself go into a shutdown? or just LFS?
If it is the machine it may actually be the operating system that is the trouble, not the graphics card. It may also be your PSU is not powerful enough to drive the card properly. Check the specs needed to drive the card, ( PSU wattage) then add 30% for safety.
ie, if the specs say 400W PSU needed, fit a 550W PSU.
Quote from shorty943 :I use an AMD quad core Phenom 2 with the very same graphics card you have,
latest NV genuine drivers and maxed graphics settings in LFS, and have absolutely no problems at all under Win 7 32 bit operating system.
Previously I ran Win XP Pro at service pack 3 with no problems either.

Does the machine itself go into a shutdown? or just LFS?
If it is the machine it may actually be the operating system that is the trouble, not the graphics card. It may also be your PSU is not powerful enough to drive the card properly. Check the specs needed to drive the card, ( PSU wattage) then add 30% for safety.
ie, if the specs say 400W PSU needed, fit a 550W PSU.

The game just crashes and goes into blank screen. Comp stays on and keeps running.