The online racing simulator
Notice to all users trying to access reality cruise
Hello LFS users!
It has been brought to my attention that there is a fake Reality Cruise server on the Master Server.
The real Reality Cruise server is running an InSim named :
[RC] 2012 (RCIS_LITE V1.5) Made by Chris from UC cruise for our cruise server!
The fake servers name on the Master Server is the following
[COLOR="Red"][[/COLOR][COLOR="White"]RC[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]][/COLOR][COLOR="Cyan"]Reality Cruise[/COLOR]

The real server looks like the following
[COLOR="red"][[/COLOR][COLOR="White"]RC[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]][/COLOR] [COLOR="white"]Reality Cruise Serv[/COLOR]

Thanks people for reading this and please dont get the servers mixed up as you are encouraging the user that opened this fake server to keep it running.
He's doing it just to annoy us and this is not right
i wish someone would do somthing about this idiot frozen i am sick and tired of having to clean up and help people hes tryed to cheat, the mods wont do crap about it either. its sad LFS is going this way but oh well.
Jesus christ what is wrong with the cruise community in LFS? It's allways drama, each damn day.
Usually I don't see this stuff coming from the Cruise community
But in this case someone is stealing a server and attempting to steal a team
We're not taking very kindly to this as the user in question has over 4 accounts and has a history of this.
Not to mention stealing multiple InSim's off other servers!
Quote from The Very End :Jesus christ what is wrong with the cruise community in LFS? It's allways drama, each damn day.

Bored housewives always attracted to soap operas,sometimes they decide to create their own...

I don't mean or say everyone cruising is and total tool, but it's allways some sort of drama related to servers or people that does cruising. Either it is stealing, copying, name and shaming, insim or other stuff.

Lets hope it quiets down soon and people can enjoy what they like without all the bad sides.
I highly agree with you but some people in the world are set on a path to ruin everything for other people.
Quote from The Very End :Haha

I don't mean or say everyone cruising is and total tool, but it's allways some sort of drama related to servers or people that does cruising. Either it is stealing, copying, name and shaming, insim or other stuff.

Lets hope it quiets down soon and people can enjoy what they like without all the bad sides.

+1 to that i would absouloutly love it to all go quite and there not be any of this but theres 1 person that keeps making people do this.