Well hello guys i have a cruise insim and i want to add some locations.But first i need the position code! Problem is how to get that????
Thanks im new to coding so not that complicated answers please
I need this too. I want to find exact position where i can place button AND
i need position code to place object that will apear when the car is at... lets set 15 meters from specific position in one way...
i mean not to apear in radius of 15 meters but in one direction.
Soo in cruise coordinates is
X: -125
Y: 322
But the map that you give me why show
X: -376
Y: 968
And i have to do this for map coordinates to fit with the cruise code
-376 * 65536 = 24641536 then 24641536 / 196608 = 125 that mean -125 why is happening like that ?