The online racing simulator
drift, drag or cruise insim
(12 posts, started )
drift, drag or cruise insim
hey i was wondering if there are any programmers out there who are willing to make me a cruise , drag or drift insim ( information will be given). i am willing to pay whatever the amount is cause i understand its a hard process. thanks
5000$ for Cruise,
1250$ for Drift,
500-750$ for Drag

#3 - PoVo
Quote from misiek08 :5000$ for Cruise,
1250$ for Drift,
500-750$ for Drag

1000$ for Cruise,
250$ for Drift,
150-175$ for Drag
100$ cruise
50$ race
25$ drag..

but based on LFSLapper LOL
a) who yous lapper on s2
b) who the hell pays 7 grand (could buy real car and drift)
c) same deal as b i guess

what a joke i know theres alot of hard work but geez
It's not joke. I posted biggest prices, PoVo posted average. Price is based on functionality and can be negotiated.

If you know that there's a lot of hard work you should know that hard work costs money.
yeh when i said willing to pay thought maybe 150 each tops yous r prob like 14 i guess obvious troll is obvious
LFSLapper Cruise ... Old but still works great and has many features... but don't expect to add any features to it... my old code is messy as heck.
  • Extract to some where easily accessable such as your desktop
  • (optional)Edit Cruise_Settings.lpr
  • Edit:
    • LFSServers.cfg (.../bin)
    • default_1.ini (.../bin/default)
  • Run LFSLapper.exe
  • Type !mode Cruise into the LFS Chat
  • Congratulations you'r now using LFSLapper Cruise!

Refund And Force Fine System (Car,Cash,OR KM)
Swear filter
Showoff Function(show off your stats to everyone on server) (!Show)
Can't Buy cars / food if u don't have enough Cash
Driving Bonus
Buy/Sell cars
Pit Fines
Bank Interest
Happy Hour
Cop system
Ability To Rob bank
And More!
Attached files - 1.1 MB - 401 views
thanks but would like button interface and stuff willing to pay but not into the thousands...
Quote from misiek08 :5000$ for cruise,
1250$ for drift,
500-750$ for drag


Seriously... LOL.
You could use LFSLapper for drifting.

You would have to make couple small changes to the config (fairly easy and explained HERE).

It basically gives a scoreboard for drifts, with a table to show highest score per car/track combo.

If you want to see it in action, have a look at my server (Sin'rs).

Type !drf if you want to see highest drift scores, or !top if you want to see fastest lap times.

Best thing about it, is that it's all free!
if i wanted a lapper i wouldve asked for 1....

drift, drag or cruise insim
(12 posts, started )