help me !! i want a script for my site ...
my friends ...
i want a script too use in my website and in this script i want user can send them spr file (hotlap record ) and this script sort them and calculate user point ....
i want to stablish an offline league .
can you help me ?
excuse for bad english ,,,
User uploads spr file. Script parses spr, then sorts spr's and adds point for each user.
upload spr in ??

i want put this in my website .
i want user upload their spr file and it calculate record an position in table .
i want establish a offline league in my web site ,,,,
Yes, I just wrote it my words, maybe my "translations" help understanding problem.
download link please ....
Do you have some knowledge of PHP (or another language you want it to be coded in)? I'm not sure if you'll be able to understand it and get it working only by having a download link without knowing what the code does.
help me plz!!
#9 - CSU1
...why not pull stats from lfsw and import hotlap record to database?
tracker can do it ??
i establish an offline league in my country
i want user upload their spr and my site analyze it and sort record in table ....

plz help me