First and Lastname: Evangelos Ntek
LFSW-Username: MorfeasFX
Teamname: MTDZX
Country: Greece
First and Lastname: Ricardo Seerden
LFSW-Username: Mastahx
Teamname: Alone
Country: The Netherlands
Nice finish @ 1st Stunt race Walter
Will be fashionably late, won't be using Kb afterall
Great event guys! Thanks
Thx for the great races
Was an epic event guys, especially the Bangers, Stunt and DD. Races where also quite nice, since I finished 3rd in the first FBM race.

Overall a great blast of adrenaline, laughing and enjoyment!

Thanks to all attendees.
Thanks, Walter, You sure do know how to "crash" a party. :P lolz Thanks for your hard work.
Thanks for the great event
Yes, that was a nice event. Liked the SO2R/XRT races and the banger races especially.
Hay guy's,
Here are all of the replays from the event.

Replay Pack

Kind Regards,
Currently working on a aprox. 6 min review video.

Also done some work to getting the results ready, by working on a new website for -TRR- Events.

If you've attended to this event, and/or want to attend to our future events, please register at:

Got the drivers that attended in the a results component now. Soon will start on the race results, then will have to do some maths in the banger, stunt and DD-final, but it will get there.
Still working on this video, it's nearly done.

If I manage to finish it today, I could have it uploaded very fast.