Worked for me so it should do so for Scawen too.
But 1.6mb is the size, should also be doable in a attachment in a post
Just saying, don't murder me haha!
Thanks, I got it. For some reason it didn't work if I clicked on it, but it did work when I copied the link and pasted it into a new browser tab.
Thank you but I am confused enough already looking at logs and packets and code. I think I have enough info at least for a first test.
My plan would be to upload a host with some modifications, that would hopefully stop the young Jedi connecting in exactly the same way as he does now. Though as the bug is not understood, it would not surprise me if he got in again. Anyway by then maybe we'd have some more info.
Scawen I've sent you mail to EMAIL (hope this is correct mail), also about some other security issues, can you please check it and reply.
EDIT : Please, never post anyone's email address on a website. It can be picked up by bots and used for spam.
If you want to write to us, please use the system on our website. I don't want more mail than I already get.