I wonder at which point "They're going to be so pleased with me" turned into "OH MY GOD NO THIS ISN'T WORKING OH GOD OH GOD AAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!!"
I think it's safe to say judging by this forum at least, that Lithuanians have the worst sense of humor..
Quote from Boris Lozac :I think it's safe to say judging by this forum at least, that Lithuanians have the worst sense of humor.. nope. its finns who invented that shit so blame us, we are a shit country.
It's not only the Dolan comics, look at that picture with Adelle, made me wanna punch him through the internet..
Quote from Boris Lozac :made me wanna punch him through the internet.. Get help, for the love of all things living.
Quote from Boris Lozac :made me wanna punch him through the internet.. http://answers.yahoo.com/quest ... qid=20080919194338AAkRB6o For those who never read my links ! "How do I punch someone through the internet? It would help me a lot if someone could tell me how. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters you press Ctrl and W works every time" Except I think I'm on his ignore list so he'll probably never know.
Quote from Boris Lozac :I think it's safe to say judging by this forum at least, that Lithuanians have the worst sense of humor.. Shadowwwwwww is not Lithuanian btw...
Quote from Boris Lozac :I think it's safe to say judging by this forum at least, that Lithuanians have the worst sense of humor.. Serbiastan is in Asia???