Most Hated Driving Habits
(49 posts, started )
Most Hated Driving Habits
Right then - lets get if off our chests. List the things that other road users do that annoy you the most. For example;

1. Choosing the wrong Lane - on the motorway when people don't pull over. The standard of lane discipline in the UK is awful. And if you undertake them they'll flash you. Muppets.

2. Hesitation - You're waiting at a set of traffic lights and there are about 10 cars in front of you. You are hoping to get through the lights before they go red again but the muppet in the 3rd car sits there for 5 seconds before he decides its time to start moving again. This means you have to wait for another 5 minutes while the lights go red again.

3. Indicating at the wrong time - You are just about to pass a car on the motorway and just as you get alongside the indicator comes on. Really you should now be stamping on the brakes because this car is about to change lane and will hit the side of you. But in fact, you know they have just decided they want to change lane, they don't actually mean it. Numpties.

4. 4X4s / Vans / Lorries on country lanes - People in wide vehicles on narrow roads have a responsibility to take extra car. So why do I find myself forced into the bushes and having to stamp on the brakes whenever I'm in a little country lane and one of these vehicles comes the other way? They never slow dowm, they just steam past. I've already had one beautiful car written off by a gimp in a van doing just this.

5. Fog Lamps - Driving round with fog lamps on for no reason. It doesn't look cool. Turn them off!

6. Pulling across sideroads / roundabouts when there is a queue of traffic in front and nowhere to go. - It's great isn't it. You are turning right at a roundabout onto a busy road but there is a queue of cars from right to left and they pull across the roundabout in front of you needlessly blocking your path. Thanks for that you inconderate monkey riders!

There really isn't that much skill needed to drive well on the roads. It's a simple case of hazard perception and courtesy. Amazing that so many drivers seem completley oblivious to the fact that there are other road users to think about.
7. Not indicating at all! Especially on roundabouts this is very annoying.
8. Using the by the speedometer indicated speed. Doesn't anyone know the gauge indicates a slightly higher speed?
My pet hates are,

1) Centre lane hoggers, THEY ANNOY THE HECK OUT OF ME

2) People who slow down to 10mph under the speed limit when driving paast speed cameras/police cars

3) Idiots who drive around with front fog lights on because they think it makes them look "cool", yeah right it does, it doesnt make you look cool, it makes you look like a tit when you get 3 points and a £30 fine.

4) 4x4's FULL STOP, just quite what the hell the point of them is I'll never know.

5) People who are totally oblivous to anything that goes on outside their car windows, which is a huge percentage of the driving populus.

6) Idiot (normally VW golf) drivers who try to "race" me when I am on my bike, WTF?.

Plenty more, but I can't be bothered to keep going LOL

@1 & 2: :arge: :hbomb:

Yes the middle lane is often of better quality, so what? That does not give you the right to hold up the traffic. It's not unusual on highways here that the left (fast) lane is completely stuffed, just because some asshats hog the middle lane and force reasonably fast - but still too slow for the fast lane - drivers to overtake there, holding up the whole traffic. Also slow poeple on the fast lane, thinking "just another one", "oh that one's so close, that too", "oh just one more", ... GODDAMNIT CHANGE BACK ALREADY. Or the ones living in a different reality, thinking it's a good idea to drive the speed limit in the fast lane... and not changing back, because you know, it's forbidden to drive faster than that anyways. Let the police handle speeding, it's not your business.

But at the same time, people who overtake on the wrong side in a situation where the traffic just doesn't allow a faster pace anyways. Well done chap, you just saved yourself 2 carlengths. Color me impressed.

I feel better now.
Quote from danowat :My pet hates are,

1) Centre lane hoggers, THEY ANNOY THE HECK OUT OF ME

2) People who slow down to 10mph under the speed limit when driving paast speed cameras/police cars

3) Idiots who drive around with front fog lights on because they think it makes them look "cool", yeah right it does, it doesnt make you look cool, it makes you look like a tit when you get 3 points and a £30 fine.

4) 4x4's FULL STOP, just quite what the hell the point of them is I'll never know.

5) People who are totally oblivous to anything that goes on outside their car windows, which is a huge percentage of the driving populus.

6) Idiot (normally VW golf) drivers who try to "race" me when I am on my bike, WTF?.

Plenty more, but I can't be bothered to keep going LOL


I'm surprised you haven't got one for "people who pull out 1 metre in front of you when you are on the bike" mate.
Quote from Gentlefoot :I'm surprised you haven't got one for "people who pull out 1 metre in front of you when you are on the bike" mate.

That is covered in 5 I think

People who think it's fine to avoid a queue to turn left at a roundabout by charging up the right-hand lane and going all the way round the roundabout till they get to their desired exit, which was left!

People who undertake on motorways, and people who seem to intentionally keep the few of us who will actually move into the slow lane pinned in there as we catch up with the next lorry. Also people who seem dead eager to pass you as you overtake the cars in the middle lane of the motorway, so you elect to move into a smallish gap in the middle lane and let them nip past, but no, they just crawl past. Also I hate people not indicating to move from the right-hand lane to the middle lane.

People who let their car roll backwards ever so slightly as they queue in front of you for a junction. Do they know they're rolling backwards? At which point should I beep to alert them? If I do that the people behind will think I'm just a prat that wants the queue to move faster.
Quote from sinbad :People who think it's fine to avoid a queue to turn left at a roundabout by charging up the right-hand lane and going all the way round the roundabout till they get to their desired exit, which was left!

HECK YES, I hate that too, a big annoyance in a car, but bloody dangerous when you are on a bike.

Basically many people believe that can drive how the heck they like regardless of other road users illepall

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :1) People driving near me. I hate these people. They're the same people who have the cheek to ask me to put out a cigarette if they're standing next to me, but once back in their cars they're happy to belch out all manner of unknown toxic garbage in my general direction.

Motor vehicle drivers suck.

If you can tell me an alternative means of me getting to work in the morning and back in the evening that doesnt involve using a car/motorbike then I would gladly take it.

I am all ears Kev

  • Don't care about indicators, they mean nothing to me ever since an idiot in front of me indicated left and turned right.
  • People who stay in a turn-left lane and then try to get in front of you.
  • People who talk on cellphones
  • People who type text messages on cellphones
  • People with one hand out of the window
  • *rant* *rant* *rant*
  • but the one i hate most... is when i brake at a yellow light, the one behind me beeps at me WTF! if i pass with yellow he will run a red light! He is beeping at me because he 1) doesn't keep distances 2) wants me to potentialy run a red light 3) wants to certainly run a red light. I have noticed drivers who start before green comes on and therefore it is unsafe to go with yellow.
Quote from thisnameistaken :1) People driving near me. I hate these people. They're the same people who have the cheek to ask me to put out a cigarette if they're standing next to me, but once back in their cars they're happy to belch out all manner of unknown toxic garbage in my general direction.

Motor vehicle drivers suck.

Don't you have a car then m8? If I didn't use the car/bike it would take me 2 and a half hours to get to work each morning and another 2 and a half to get back.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Yeah, cause its that simple Kev, LMAO

Quote from thisnameistaken :To James and Dan:

No I don't have a car, or bike, but I work from home so I don't need one. That said, I've never had a car (except when I lived in the USA) because I've never felt like I needed one.

The problem of the distance to your place of work is best solved by moving house or moving jobs.

I used to commute from Guildford to Croydon. Then I bought a house in Croydon. About 3 months later I quit my job in Croydon and guess where my new job was - yes, Guidlford! So now I'm commuting from Croydon to Guildford. lol.

So your suggestion of moving house doesn't help me. If I move back to Guildford it's sods law I'll end up working in London or Croydon or something. Plus, have you seen Guildford house prices? We're talking £250,000 for a two bed flat with NO garage!
Quote from Gentlefoot :4. 4X4s / Vans / Lorries on country lanes - People in wide vehicles on narrow roads have a responsibility to take extra car. So why do I find myself forced into the bushes and having to stamp on the brakes whenever I'm in a little country lane and one of these vehicles comes the other way? They never slow dowm, they just steam past. I've already had one beautiful car written off by a gimp in a van doing just this.

ive learned that the only way to treat this kind of sutation is by doing the same to them ... basically turn the whole situation into a game of chicken most of the time they make space for you (most 4x4 drivers are wimps otherwise they wouldnt need such a car ... not so much with lorry driver who are well aware that their vehicle weigh about 7 times as much as yours)
Quote from Shotglass :ive learned that the only way to treat this kind of sutation is by doing the same to them ... basically turn the whole situation into a game of chicken most of the time they make space for you (most 4x4 drivers are wimps otherwise they wouldnt need such a car ... not so much with lorry driver who are well aware that their vehicle weigh about 7 times as much as yours)

That's a dangerous approach though. As I say, I already had one car written off by someone doing this. They misjudged the gap and hit me at about 25mph. I was stationary! After the accident I commented that there were no skid marks. His reply, "I didn't brake because I thought I could fit through there".
Same goes for the people who think that a scooter doesn't need any room to turn, or that you can go side by side with a scooter for miles without making the scooter driver feel uncomfortable... Leave room. I'm not a ghost, but if someone makes the wrong move I can fly for a short period of time. Chances are I won't be able to jump on my feet for a short or long while, but if I can, let's hope I have enough time to chill before asking questions, because I may ask questions later, and do some other unpleasant stuff first.
Quote from Gentlefoot :That's a dangerous approach though.

sure it is ... but its the only way to get those people to drive on their side of the road
strictly car drivers, ie;never done anyother tests, bike etc.

constants.....50mph on the motorway, then 50mph past a school.

the badass 1.2 crew.....passed the test within a year or so, and drive about with a 1.2 corsa, fiesta, saxo etc, like they are in a btcc astra. music blaring and paying more attention to ooking right and changing the music then they do the brother is one of these.

executivs.(sp?) big 7 series beamer etc, racing along at 110mph and right up peoples arses, not a care in the world.

and those who think that bikers will automatically pull over for more room for news, i wont, i pay road tax, so ill take up my road.
v4forlife: so... it's dog eat dog in your country, much like everywhere else, right? 'cause my gf thinks that people in greece only are savages and anywhere else (Esp. in countries like England, Germany, Sweden, etc) they drive godlike...

(sp: executive, executives )
Quote :5. Fog Lamps - Driving round with fog lamps on for no reason. It doesn't look cool. Turn them off!

Worse still, turning fog lamps on just because there is fog and not using them as the highway code instructs... Which is as an "Extension" of the lights when there is not a vehicle behind you, not a 'replacement'. Your supposed to turn the high intensity very dazzling lights off when another car catches you up, but NOOoooo,,.... We get to use our fog lights 3 times a year so when it's fogger, they're damn well staying on right! Gah!

What I hate most though is tailgating. All the police enforcement is focused around speed, speed makes an accident worse - but tailgating makes the accident happen.

When I drive quickly one inch from another car there is a run-off, armco's, no traffic coming the other way and most importantly of all - an ambulance on standby. So why do people think it's ok to race on the roads just because they've played Gran Turismo?
Quote from Becky Rose :Worse still, turning fog lamps on just because there is fog and not using them as the highway code instructs... Which is as an "Extension" of the lights when there is not a vehicle behind you, not a 'replacement'. Your supposed to turn the high intensity very dazzling lights off when another car catches you up, but NOOoooo,,.... We get to use our fog lights 3 times a year so when it's fogger, they're damn well staying on right! Gah!

What I hate most though is tailgating. All the police enforcement is focused around speed, speed makes an accident worse - but tailgating makes the accident happen.

When I drive quickly one inch from another car there is a run-off, armco's, no traffic coming the other way and most importantly of all - an ambulance on standby. So why do people think it's ok to race on the roads just because they've played Gran Turismo?

Tailgating - can't believe I forgot that one. I've got Brembo 4 pots and grooved discs with DS2500 pads on my Alfa. Runs on Goodyear Eagle F1 GSD3s so I'm gonna outbreak pretty much anything else on the road. It makes for even more worry when you're being tailgated. If I stamp on those brakes there is no way the car behind isn't going right into me hard.
Quote from traxxion :7. Not indicating at all!

..its even worse when they change their mind about 5 times while using a signal... then just drive away, thats agravating
why the hatred of 4x4's?

and the comment about needing one because you are a wimp?

i say drive whatever you want to drive.

its not the cars fault if something stupid happens, but the drivers.

so get in your mini/fiesta/micra/nova and dont hate the bigger vehicles, they pay their roadtax too (at least i hope they do)

Are you guys that are talking about fog lamps meaning front foglamps or rear foglamps? I can only assume rear foglamps, because I don't know why the front foglights would have any effect on a car behind you...
1. Talking on the cell phone or puting on makeup while driving at outragous speeds.
2. Ricers, it doesnt matter what kind of car is on the road they want to race them, from Geo Metro to GMC Sierra, then never let up, and they always make some stupid remark when you dont want to race.
3. The morons who do drugs in there car while driving (I could care less what they do in private, but when it gets into public view, thats a problem).

Most Hated Driving Habits
(49 posts, started )