Here's another dedicated host update, 0.6B4
The main things about this one are - Time steps are limited to between 0 and 6000 milliseconds. So the host should deal much better with timers that are adjusted (e.g. on Wine). Because of the timer step limitation, I think that buffer overflows on the host must now be extremely rare. If somehow there is one, the host will now auto-restart so it will not remain in the bugged state that sometimes resulted from after a buffer overflow.
Changes from 0.6B to B3 :
Improved checks on packets received from joining guests
Improved checks on validity of user names while connecting
User names now confirmed with master server after connection
Cleaned up and removed some unused code
Changes in B4 :
Two more hacking checks on packets sent by connecting guests
Removed message "Got master packet" from network debug output
No buffer overflows from hangs or operating system time changes
Auto restart after buffer overflow on host to avoid bugged state
You only need the exe (from the zip) if you are updating an existing installation.