I realize AI's not a strong point of LFS but some of my buddies like having them on track just the same. I was wondering if changing the skill level of AI affects the skill level needed for a real player to drive? What I mean, is if you set AI level to beginner, does that turn down any realism factors for real players? I'm guessing not, but ask because we set some on track last night & all of a sudden we were running MUCH better lap times. Wasn't sure if we were simply driving better or if it'd somehow turned down the skill required for us or something.. (I'm talking like 5 seconds off our typically lousy best times
My next question is if multiple people add AI, does any one person's AI level affect all AI, or is it specific to how individual players set them.
And my last question, I've got a great ISP/connection. Is there a way to allow players to set more than a couple AI? I seem to be running into a wall where each player can only put 2 on track max, no matter how I configure server details. (if they want to drive as well/for a total of 3 cars per PC)
Lastly, I'll probably have more dumb questions stemming from these, as I've both been out of the game for a good while and am new to the server deal, so as always.. thanks in advance!

My next question is if multiple people add AI, does any one person's AI level affect all AI, or is it specific to how individual players set them.
And my last question, I've got a great ISP/connection. Is there a way to allow players to set more than a couple AI? I seem to be running into a wall where each player can only put 2 on track max, no matter how I configure server details. (if they want to drive as well/for a total of 3 cars per PC)
Lastly, I'll probably have more dumb questions stemming from these, as I've both been out of the game for a good while and am new to the server deal, so as always.. thanks in advance!