I don't see how being opposed to Obama's policies is racist, nor is it racist to be opposed to Islam because it is not a race (if that's what you're referring to) I am opposed to both in the same way that many here are opposed to me: political ideology. I don't trust them for what is in their minds, not on their bodies. If Hillary Clinton won the presidency and made the same policies I would feel the same way.
In fact you can cut taxes and spending. The US does not have a problem with income. The government takes in billions of dollars, we just throw most of it away. If you eliminated the failed programs (some social welfare, some international programs, some redundant spending, some defense spending, some of absolutely everything that hasn't worked) we could perhaps begin to balance our budget without cutting taxes or decreasing spending. You hear in the news from time to time some jobs program that cost 5 million dollars but only created like six jobs, there are countless programs like that not only in the Federal gov. but in the United Nations as well.
That's why I support term limits so strongly. If congressmen could only serve eight years it would cripple the industry of political lobbyists both liberal and conservative. It would cost them too much to buy a new senator every term, so their ideology would have to stand on its merits, not its bank account. The people would have a much stronger voice in government.