Good news, I've found a way to send packets that can crash a host. It looks like it could be the same method used to crash Chriship's host. I haven't been able to find any other ways to do it and this one does the same kind of thing, so I guess that's it.
I've got a few more fixes to do as well as the packet checking to fix this one so I'm going to estimate a few more days before the incompatible patch, maybe Thursday or Friday.
EDIT : This incompatible patch will be a TEST patch. When the official update is released will depend on the results of the testing.
I've got a few more fixes to do as well as the packet checking to fix this one so I'm going to estimate a few more days before the incompatible patch, maybe Thursday or Friday.
EDIT : This incompatible patch will be a TEST patch. When the official update is released will depend on the results of the testing.