The online racing simulator
Small change in usage of IS_REO (REOrder)
I'm giving you a warning of this so you can make sure your InSim programs will work when the incompatible version comes out.

If you need to make a change, it will still work with the current version. It's just that an advisory has become compulsory. There is no change to any packets or the version number.

The change : If you use an IS_REO in game, it should be sent when you receive the SMALL_VTA.

Updated documentation :

// IS_REO : REOrder - this packet can be sent in either direction

// LFS sends one at the start of every race or qualifying session, listing the start order

// You can send one to LFS in two different ways, to specify the starting order :
// 1) In the game setup screen, to immediately rearrange the grid when the packet arrives
// 2) In game, just before a restart or exit, to specify the order on the restart or exit
// If you are sending an IS_REO in game, you should send it when you receive the SMALL_VTA
// informing you that the Vote Action (VOTE_END / VOTE_RESTART / VOTE_QUALIFY) is about
// to take place. Any IS_REO received before the SMALL_VTA is sent will be ignored.
Great to hear you're working on LFS Scawen, thank you!

Sorry for offtopic.
I don't expect a problem with the Airio race insim, its already behaving like this.
PRISM should be ok with the update, I don't expect any changes that need to be made, but I'll keep a close eye.