Can't even be arsed downloading the demo. Last years game was OK for when I just wanted to sit back with a controller and run a few races, but that was about it. From the reviews of this demo, this years game is barely worth a torrent.
I'll try it again when less tired, but wtf is with the brakes. Brake a little, nothing, so try a bit harder, a little braking comes on, then suddenly lock up. Hmmm.
I could see it being fun on a console, but not convinced with the PC side.
It is pretty disappointing yeah. Can't feel any of the promised physics changes, it's just 2011 with a few champion challenge thrown in. The game just feel very disconnected to me, the steering linearity, the forcefeedback, the camera position and movement etc, I was always second guessing what the car will do.
And the trackside cameras! why can't they just use the real broadcast ones?
I don't know what you guys are talking about. This demo is the best racing simulator I've ever played and I am going to pre-order 20 copies because it's that good. As usual it's clearly had a HUGE overhaul from the previous years game and barely anything included is similar, everything is new and refreshing. Great work Codemasters, you've clearly listened to your customers, more of the same please!