The CM Storm XRGT-R GP is part of the CM Storm -TRR- Championship 2012.
For this event we will drive with the XRR around the diffecult BL1X_XGP
With it's long straights, and tight chicanes, it promises to be one heck of a race. The race will last 1 hour, and it's crucial that people stay focussed.
Use the sign-up form below, and reply to the topic with it.
Saturday, 22. September 2012, 20:30
Combo: XRR @ BL1X = 1 hour race (open config)
Session times:
Official Practise: 17:00 (1 hour)
Official Qualification: 20:30 (25 minutes)
Official Race: 21:00
Timezone is GMT+2 / CET / UTC+2
Standard Rules
- Attending to the practice is not forced, but wanted.
- Attending to the qualification is a MUST to attend to the race.
- Arrive at least 10 minutes before the qualification to the server.
Servername: -TRR- Events
Serverpass will be send via PM 3 days prior to the event
Sign up using the following form:
First and Lastname:
LFSW Username:
Team Tag:
We are looking forward to meet you on track!
Our server is currently running this combo, and feel free to drop by:
-TRR- Events
Signup-list (16/32):
#01 Nikifor Đaković - N I K I - Ixion Simsports
#02 Emil Westman - Emil141 - rForce
#06 Rik Kardol - Rik97 - Team Rock Racing
#07 Walter Lemmens - Rockclan - Team Rock Racing
#11 Bozhidar Velinov - F1 mainiac - Team Rock Racing
#13 Joakim Rognlien - Marty1999 - Team Rock Racing
#19 Przemek Wdowiarz - przemek21061995 - Team Vires
#25 Timo Stadius - Stig209 - rForce
#29 Mathias Nielsen - Nielsenracer - nFinity eSport
#33 Yann Laprevotte - Greybull [CHA] - Tiger Express Motorsports
#45 Nemanja Pavlovic - Muhi_GP - Serbian Racing Team
#52 Tomáš Korený - Denny12 - rForce
#61 Joona Rantala - CardsetCrazy - Ixion Simsports
#66 Tommy Østgaard - Tomhah - Team Rock Racing
#67 Sebastian Wojtkowiak - intrex1020 - Ixion Simsports
#87 Niko Puntola - nikopdr - Tiger Express Motorsports