Maintaining a website like LFSDatabase consumes a lot of personal time and website bandwidth. We can't keep existing without your support. If you would like to keep enjoying the services of LFSDatabase site we ask you to help us. All donations will be spent on paying and maintaining the website. Donating is very easy if you have PayPal. Simply click here or visit the Donate button on the menu on top.
On this page you're able to buy a Pro membership to get special advantages and you're able to donate for the cause of this site. Your name will come on a list (unless you don't want to) to thank you. Don't have PayPal but still want to donate? Feel free to contact us for another way.
In case you can't donate but have cool ideas on how make great use of LFSDatabase during a competition, an event or some league for example you're free to contact me and propose your idea's. I'd like to make you aware we're also on Facebook with our own Facebook page that you can like!
If we reach the goal at the end of this month we will give the site a big overhaul to promise you an even better experience when visiting the site. And we ofcourse will stay existing!
Your help is appreciated.