Yesterday everything worked fine, now I got this message on Chrome
How to update Chrome?
Works fine on mozilla.
If I understood well, country colour is based only on people online from this country. What about if colour is based on ratio of people online and country area (or population) ? now big countries like Russia can easly become red, simply because there are many people playing from there. For example 10 racers online from Croatia vs 50 racers online from Russia, then Croatia will be more red than Russia due to much less area (or population)
Ahh that explains the black pixels, they're racers hitting red and white barriers!
On a more serious note, it is genuinely nice to hear of something new - even if not in the game itself. Things like this go a long way to showing that the devs aren't sitting on the beach counting the money. Or in your case, eating bread rolls.
It was a shame you missed this years get together too Victor, it really was excellent .