Test Patch 0.6B8 (same old physics - multiplayer improvements)
Dear Racers,

For any of you that don't know about it yet, I'd just like to say that a good multiplayer test patch is available and has proved to give a much better online experience.

There are various updates and fixes as well as the multiplayer improvements that mean a more reliable connection, quicker joining to the host, quicker joining race, pitting, spectating and leaving because you no longer wait for laggy players due to a restructuring of the game code system.

Test patch thread : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=80725
Good choise making it more public so people who does not browse the forums too much notice it
Excellent work as always!
We'll be enjoing this for a good time!
#4 - PoVo
#5 - OTone
i understand ...but Scawen gimme some hope about physics man
Quote from pako_customize :i understand ...but Scawen gimme some hope about physics man

You'll have to search for my past posts, otherwise I'll spend a long time repeating myself!
Im just wondering when new official patch came out, will master server still support 0.6B ?
I think it would be good to migrate everyone to new patch. ATM about 10% racers online are still using Z28 (mostly demo).
Quote from Scawen :You'll have to search for my past posts, otherwise I'll spend a long time repeating myself!

You should sticky and lock an announcement about that! (whatever you said last)
Just like to say updated to B8 now on the servers and client and i can't see any problems to report so good job, keep up the nice work
small feature request

I don't want to add this feature request to the test patch thread because it's not related to the current patch, but since there will be a long quiet time after this patch I hope Scawen could implement following fix into this patch:

When highres skins are activated in LFS and you watch a replay, LFS of course uses highres skins.
But in case the replay is quite old (or is from a time you haven't activated highres skins) often some skins are not available anymore and the skin download from LFS main server fails.
The result is a white car.

The issue I have with this is that in most cases I have the lowres skin for these cars saved in the LFS folder (thats because at the time the replay was recorded I didn't used highres skins and LFS downloaded the low res skin automatically, as usual).
Instead of using this lowres skin of a car it's just white.

When I deactivate highres skins in LFS and watch the same replay the skins are there (in low resolution), so the skins are really there and LFS could use them.

So, Scawen, to put it in a nutshell, I would love if you could teach LFS to look for a low resolution skin and use it when no high res skin is available when watching replays.

Thanks for reading this.

oh i have found something that differs from the current release is which is when i disconnect by using the close button in window mode (the x at the top) it classes it as a lost connection rather than disconnect which it did previously (i think)

EDIT: woo my 100th post
I've heard of that before but I can't reproduce it. It works as expected "aaa disconnected (bbb)" if I do it locally or over the internet.

Which operating systems are you using at each end, host and guest?

I thought I had written the closing code properly to deal with this in the most compact way. The closing guest sends a leaving packet then closes the socket. At the other end, the host checks for data and reads before checking for close. This way, any remaining data should be read and if that is a "I'm closing" packet from the guest then it should display the grey "disconnected" message not an error style red one.

If an OS handles the socket closing in a not nice way, it's possible that closing the socket clears all data, so the host never gets the "I'm closing" message. But I assumed that the rules of TCP would make them all work well.
W7-64(c) <-> Wine/Linux(s) : Sep 26 19:01:15 CG~Y»nl2dav^L disconnected (cargame.nl) after hitting button X.

The amount of lost connections reported in the logs in the last 5 days is almost non existent anyway. 10 is already much.
Not sure if that's the same, but I remember getting a "lost connection to host" sometimes even when I disconnected properly via the disconnect-button.
I mean on older versions than the test patch. Maybe a rare race condition.
Hmm well... Thats something different because you get that message locally. Pressing X and the wrong message is announced on the server to the other guests is a bit more disturbing. If true. Would be nice if Beaver08 speeds up the process by quoting his host log or show otherwise that this problem exists.
#18 - Xone
when comes the scirocco and new tyre physic??????
#20 - Xone
this means never

i bet if S3 come out will iPhone 20 released
How much?
#22 - Xone
Quote from cargame.nl :Hmm well... Thats something different because you get that message locally. Pressing X and the wrong message is announced on the server to the other guests is a bit more disturbing. If true. Would be nice if Beaver08 speeds up the process by quoting his host log or show otherwise that this problem exists.

the problem exists just showing it in the logs proves nothing it records them as LEAVR_TIMEOUT rather than LEAVR_DISCON only happens when i click the red x i can't say for others, i'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, windowed mode gaming. if that helps and the server is run on Windows 2008 R2 Datacenter

Oct 03 03:05:55 Leave @ 43732398 : [WKD] Mr`Beav
Oct 03 03:05:55 Lost connection to [WKD] Mr`Beav^L (Beaver08)
Oct 03 03:05:55 * LOST: [WKD] Mr`Beav (Beaver08)

Those logs are from when clicking the red x as that's how i always close my game.

so not very helpful at all :P

EDIT: click the Escape menu then clicking leave seems to be fine for me i will try it again just to be sure

Oct 03 03:15:26 Leave @ 43789508 : [WKD] Mr`Beav
Oct 03 03:15:26 [WKD] Mr`Beav^L disconnected (Beaver08)
Oct 03 03:15:27 * PART: [WKD] Mr`Beav (Beaver08)

also using /leave works fine just seems to be the red x
Quote from Beaver08 :Those logs are from when clicking the red x as that's how i always close my game.

so not very helpful at all :P

Of course its helpful because the Wine/cmd line version does not do this.

So what are you running anyway? Graphical environment or also this cmd line version?

Quote from cargame.nl :Of course its helpful because the Wine/cmd line version does not do this.

So what are you running anyway? Graphical environment or also this cmd line version?


If he hasn't changed his hosting methods since I was an admin with rdc access he is using Graphical.

Quote from Beaver08 :the server is run on Windows 2008 R2 Datacenter

This thread is closed