hello out there i was just trying to play need for speed and all of a sudden it goes on its own and ends up in the tire wall this is the first time it has done this can you give me a clue as to what this may be
Lets assume you mean LIVE for speed. It's a big, HUGE, mistake, but I'm feeling particularly nice at the moment (compared to half an hour ago).
It goes on it's own into the tyre barrier? What does, the car? What controls are you using? Is your wheel/mouse/keyboard plugged in? Is it when you leave the pits, or a sudden thing whilst driving? Does it last for very long, or only a second? Which cars? Which tracks? Can you repeat it? Which version of LFS? Are you running any mods? Is the PC/Graphics card overclocked? Can you drive? Does anything else go wrong, like the sound? Does the car recover, as if you are suffering lag?
when i am off line at least on two tracks my graphics card is a SiS650 and when i run more than 5 ia cars the sound is very bad it does not matter what car i am useing i am running the leasts version and could you explain what mods or the rev counter will go of the scale and the steering is up the left sometimes it is like lag and i am useing the keyboard it lasts very long and it is when i am ready to race
I had simmilar problem when I was trying to play LFS on my old Celeron 333. During the start and while several cars were driving nearby I was making about 1/2 fps. Only when I was temporarily alone the framerate was jumping to enormous 10 fps
Give us your computer specification. I suppose your CPU is not good enough.
Yeah definatly sounds like a lag problem to me, brought about by a lower specification CPU. I could be wrong but maybe you have turned up all the detail in-game. Lower some of this and report back with the improvement.
my computer is a petium 4 and it is a 2.4 hertz OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer GBT___
System Model AWRDACPI
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2423 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Award Software International, Inc. FC, 19/01/2004
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
User Name KERRYRICHARDS\Kerry Richards
Time Zone GMT Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory 256.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 65.18 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 567.42 MB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
I will hilight and comment on some things I see and my experience
I have a P4 2.5 GHz, close to yours. I have 512 MB ram and am only running an 8 MB onboard graphics card. First I'll comment on the RAM. I think you really need 512 MB as a minimum for using Windows XP, let alone running LFS. You are showing available physical memory at 65 MB. Wow, either XP is using all of your Ram or you have a ton of extra programs running in the background. When I first got my PC second hand, it had XP on it and LFS ran at a whopping 2 FPS. I checked and I had a little over 100 MB Ram free (512 total). I loaded Win98SE on it (I hate XP anyways) and now usually have 430 MB free. I run nothing in the background. You don't mention what graphics you have, but I only have 8MB onboard, so my options are down, but I still run at 1024x768x16 bit. With this config I still only get 13-18 FPS with the incar view. Now the weird thing I have is that if I'm in a server and I go to windows to a browser or check email, LFS locks up. I have to end task LFS, then end task a file that pops up called ddhelp.exe. Someone has told me that this has something to do with directX. I load LFS back up and after this I get 30+ FPS in car, but I drive in the wheels view which nets me 45-50 FPS. I'm quite happy with this wierd bug I have.
Bottom line from me is, since we have pretty close processors and you don't mention your graphics card, but I only have 8 MB onboard (could you possibly have worse than me?), the problem you have is 1- using windows XP sucking up all your ram and 2- only having 256 MB of ram. With Win98 I wouldn't want any less than 512 and with XP I wouldn't want anything less than 1 gig of ram. I don't think you would do very well with only 512 Ram using XP, I sure didn't, but if you punched it up to 1 gig, then I think it would help you greatly, not only in LFS but in working with XP as well.