Part of my problem in life is focusing on a project. I've got so many of them on the go and new ones squeeze out the old ones quite quickly. However, some of them could be really interesting to;
Wishlist: Some of the ideas above would be really augmented if the server could force certain things on the player - like setups, temporary name changes, prefixing the name (such as "^2*INFECTED*^9") or skin changes to an infected skin.
- Implement (we bit twiddlers all love a challenge)
- Provide to the community as a server/network of servers, and ultimately result in (a brief) boost in player numbers
- Infected: An open circuit is chosen at the start of a round. One person is selected to be the Patient Zero (first infected). All other players get a 10 second head start to go where-ever they like around the map. The infected can infect other players by hitting them. The winner is the last uninfected person. Bonus awesome for a live website that shows player positions, current infected, etc. (ala xi4n's livemap, but specifically for infected mode - so cooler infected icons for players, etc.)
- Last Racer Standing: Just like any FPS where you can player Last Man Standing. Gives great opportunities for custom layouts. Problematic is the reasonable determination of who the killer and victim are if you use IS_CON packets. You could do some ridiculous faux gun system, but it wouldn't work very well in my opinion.
- Hillclimb: A weekly rolling hillclimb layout, is selected. At the end of the week the fastest person "wins". There's a half-arsed xi4n plugin on github, that needs better persistence (was gonna swap out for juggledb), an a web gui.
- Rally Cross World Tour: There's not enough RallyX, lets be honest. It's ridiculously fun when you're not worried about your "safety rating". My original thought was a really low point-based license system to prevent blatent ramming, and to ensure that racers have some experience with the tracks at low speed, but such low requirements that they only take 3-5 races to gain the points to ensure that players can race with the vehicles that they want quickly.

Wishlist: Some of the ideas above would be really augmented if the server could force certain things on the player - like setups, temporary name changes, prefixing the name (such as "^2*INFECTED*^9") or skin changes to an infected skin.