Can't display any button
Server flags in PRISM are 1740. Any button from any plugin won't display. I know that is very small info about problem, but it happens first time to me and everything else is ok.

Example code to send button
$Msg = new Button(255, Button::$TO_ALL);
$Msg->Text('^3PRISM ^8Version ^7'.PHPInSimMod::VERSION.'^8.');
$Msg->T(IS_Y_MAX - IS_Y_MIN + 8)->L(IS_X_MIN)->W(IS_X_MAX)->H(8)->send();

PRISM version 0.4.3
My bad. 1740 contains ISF_LOCAL. But why it contains it when I choosed dedi?

I can send buttons by IS_BTN, but not with Button class.
Pretty sure this is a known bug.
Ok. Will Button class and Buttonamanger work in next release?
Sure, whenever that happens. Although, it's open source, so really anyone can do the work.
I'm sorry, but I don't have time to debug it